Page 47 of Plum's Priest Daddy

Chapter Twenty-Five

Plum sat in her usual pew at the back of the church. She still didn’t understand a lot of the church stuff, and she wasn’t totally sure how she felt about God and Jesus and all that but she knew a few things.

She had started looking forward to coming to church on Sunday mornings. Not just because of Gideon, although damn right that helped. He was sexy as all get out in his vestments and she didn’t think it was just her pervitude that led her to believe so. He was an authority, a man who was nonetheless bigger than a simple human, and she found his faith…inspiring. As well as his lack of pushing her to share his beliefs.

But aside from how much she liked watching him and listening to him, she’d come to enjoy the building itself. How it smelled of wood polish and incense, carpet cleaner and flowers. The coolness of the stone walls under her fingers, the way the light looked as it streamed through the gorgeous stained glass. And yeah, maybe she liked how the hard wood of the pews felt underneath her bruised backside, and pushed at the plug firmly lodged in her ass because she was still a massive perv.

She didn’t pray, but she liked to use the time before the service started while the organist played to take stock and be…quiet. Thoughtful. To let her mind wander to bigger picture things than what she normally fretted about at work. It was nice, and she always left feeling refreshed and calm.

Today she was thinking about something that had been poking at her brain more and more often as of late.

What was she doing with Gideon?

Clearly they were enjoying each other what with all the sex and the kinky shit and she liked spending time with him whenever humanly possible. She liked him. A lot. He was smart and handsome and loyal and funny in his own cross-up-his-ass kind of way, and he seemed to understand her so well. Seemed to enjoy her as much as she enjoyed him.

But where could this go? She wasn’t a church mouse, wasn’t even sure she believed in God. Gideon would need a wife. Could he or would he even want to marry a heathen like her? And if he did, what would he expect from her? She liked helping out at coffee hour, chatting with and being fussed over by the old ladies on the hostess committee, but she would never want to give up Caffeinatrix or change the way she dressed or talked to be more “Christian”—whatever the hell that meant anyway.

She’d gotten lost in thought, tuning out even the welcoming and some other stuff before she heard Gideon say, “Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.”

Where the fuck had that come from?

Her head snapped up and she didn’t think she was imagining the slight curl to the corner of Gideon’s mouth before he continued.

“Genesis 2:25 is, yes, about physical nudity.”

There were some titters in the congregation and Plum put her hand in front of her mouth. She knew there were plenty of people in his church who had a crush on Gideon and they must be having a field day over him saying these mild things—if they only knew.

“But it’s also about other facets of our relationships with our partners. We can share our bodies, but not our minds. We can be physically intimate with another person and yet keep our hearts closed.”

He was beautiful, standing at the pulpit, his hands moving through the air as his clear voice rang through the space. Though there were probably a few hundred people in the church, Plum felt as though he were talking specifically to her.

“In addition to our partners, it’s also about our relationships with our friends and families, our co-workers and our neighbors. It’s about making ourselves vulnerable to important people in our lives and in so doing, becoming stronger ourselves and making our communities stronger.

“Feelings are not weaknesses. Asking people for help and telling people what you need is not selfish. When we are truthful with ourselves and the people around us, we enable growth and nurturing and show how we can best love each other.”

He went on for a while about the passage and she thought his sermon was good. Moving. It also poked at parts of herself that she hadn’t wanted to examine very closely.

In some ways, she had bared herself completely to Gideon—they’d certainly been naked with each other many times, she’d been forthcoming about her kinks, and fairly candid about her business. But in others…

She hadn’t always asked him for help when she wanted or needed it. She most definitely hadn’t mentioned her concerns about their potential for having a future together. And she sure as fuck hadn’t told him she loved him, even though she was fairly certain she did.

While she’d been lost in contemplation, Gideon had continued with his sermon and was apparently wrapping up.

“So this week I charge all of you with finding a way to be unashamedly naked in body, in belief, in your emotions and needs. Bare yourself, and in so doing, encourage others to be their most authentic selves. God will smile upon our honesty and be pleased in this form of worship.”

From all the way at the front of the church, she felt Gideon’s gaze on her, and Plum felt more naked than she ever had.

* * *

After the service, and after coffee hour where she got to see Saoirse and Arthur again—when she wasn’t being charged with various tasks under Mrs. Symes’s watchful eye in the kitchen of course—she accompanied Gideon back to the rectory.

It had been torture to be plugged through the entire service and then through social time and clean up, having her pussy ache with emptiness and being soaked between her legs. Had he been thinking of her plugged ass during that moving service he’d given? She suspected he had been when they were chatting with Arthur and Saoirse and he’d kept his hand at the small of her back.

Now they were climbing the stairs to the second floor and once they reached his bedroom, he stripped her out of the dress and stockings she’d worn to the service. They’d left their shoes by the door.

Gideon sat on the side of the bed, tugged her to stand between his knees, and she scowled at him.

“What’s that grumpy look for?”