She had bewitched him and thoroughly consumed him. He already dreaded her moving in with Mrs Fitzherbert, let alone their final goodbye, but couldn’t afford to draw it out for his sanity’s sake or his pride’s. But it was what it was and to quote the vexing minx, all he could do was forge onwards and upwards. Far better to have loved and lost the minx than never to have loved her at all.

Loved! Good grief, he was already doomed!

Blasted witch. Blasted circumstances. Blasted, blasted, bloody fate and her cruel sense of humour—because Rafe was in no doubt fate was a blasted woman too.

Annoyed at his own pathetic weakness and lack of self-control, he wandered out of the back door in search of both Archie and the conundrum of a woman who was quite content with the situation as it was, his gaze scanning the horizon for any sign. But all he saw were the gathering storm clouds above the river. Dark and ominous and filled with trouble and, for some reason, they felt symbolic which made him worry more about everything.

Some sixth sense made him wander towards the gates and out onto the lane. When there was still no sign of them at the recently cleared site of her cottage, he picked up his pace and practically slammed right into them as he turned the corner.

Sophie was carrying the sleepy Fred in her arms like a baby while his brother was tucking into what looked like a big bag of sweets.

‘Where have you been?’

‘To the village.’ Archie grinned as if he had just had the most marvellous adventure. ‘I visited the church and the market square, and we had a delicious cake from the bakery. And I met so many nice new friends.’

‘Did you indeed.’ True to form, Archie either ignored or was oblivious to Rafe’s clipped tone.

‘I did! Reverend Spears is going to teach me how to train Fred. We are starting with sit first because that is most important and will show him who is in charge. And Mrs Fitzherbert has lent me an old book filled with the most detailed illustrations of wild animals—but it was too big to carry so she’s going to ask Ned to deliver it here later. And Mr Roberts from the shop gave me this liquorice which I am not supposed to eat all at once in case they give me a belly ache.’ He offered the bag of goodies towards Rafe as pleased as Punch, oblivious to the fact that he had already eaten so many they had tinged his mouth and teeth with a hint of black. ‘Best of all, we’ve been invited to the local assembly tomorrow night where Sophie and Miss Isobel are going to teach me to dance. I am so excited I feel fit to burst.’

‘That is probably all the liquorice,’ said Sophie, tugging the bag of sweets out of his hand and replacing it with the puppy. ‘You can have the rest tomorrow.’

‘I do not recall giving you permission to visit the village.’ He glared at Sophie, trying not to feel betrayed, then at his brother. ‘In fact, I am certain I expressly forbade you to ever set foot there.’

‘Alone,’ said Archie unperturbed. ‘Which I wasn’t because I stayed with Sophie the whole time. Didn’t I, Sophie? I didn’t wander off at all.’

‘You didn’t.’ She beamed at Archie then it dissolved to a guilty smile when she turned to him. ‘I wanted to thank the ladies from the sewing circle for all my new clothes. I’ve been meaning to do it all week and now that Aunt Jemima’s recovery is coming along in leaps and bounds, and you were busy, it seemed like the perfect time. Especially after the last batch arrived yesterday.’ She gestured to the pretty pelisse she was wearing, drawing his gaze to her lush figure and instantly reminding him what was beneath the garment. ‘Archie was bored waiting for you and asked if he could come with me.’

‘And it did not occur to you to ask me?’

‘I did poke my head around the door but you were ensconced in a deep conversation with Mr Spiggot, so I didn’t like to disturb. Besides, he was with me so I saw no harm in it, and as you can see, Archie has had a lovely morning.’

‘You still should have asked, Sophie.’ Especially as he had entrusted her with all his truth and she knew how protective he was of his brother. Especially as she knew how both he and Archie had been treated by the small-minded before.

‘To hear you say no?’ She was annoyed for some reason, as if he was somehow in the wrong rather than the other way around. As if she were angry at him. ‘Sometimes it is better to seek forgiveness than ask permission.’ She marched on ahead to avoid a scene, dragging his brother with her with a stream of inane chatter, forcing Rafe to trail behind as if the topic was closed and that was that.

For the sake of Archie, he bottled his temper until they were back in the house, but as soon as his brother left the drawing room to feed Fred his dinner, it was ready to explode.

But he wouldn’t. Instead, he would channel all his training.

Stay calm. Appear reasonable. Stay measured. Remain in control at all costs.

‘You should not have gone behind my back like that.’

The expressive dark brows rose as she had the temerity to roll her eyes as she dismissed that. ‘We spent an hour in the village, Rafe. I hardly committed high treason.’ Yet it felt like high treason to him.

‘You know how I feel about Archie meeting strangers. You wilfully put him in danger. What if something had happened?’

She had the gall to scoff at his reasonable question. ‘Firstly, he was never in any danger, and secondly, while the villagers may be strangers to you because you have never taken the time to know them, they are not strangers to me. If you think for one moment that I would ever put Archie in harm’s way then you do not know me at all, Rafe. And if you think for one second that forcing Archie into being a recluse like you is best for him then you have misjudged everyone—including your brother.’ She jabbed her finger in the direction of the kitchen where his brother had gone. ‘Archie adores people, and it isn’t fair to deny him the opportunity to know more of them. By confining him to this house, you are denying him the right to thrive!’ She was royally furious now, and spun on her heel to turn away, so he caught her arm to spin her back.

Stay calm. Appear reasonable. Stay measured. Remain in control at all costs.

As if that was likely! Not when his blood was boiling.

‘Do not presume to lecture me on what is best for my brother! A brother who has thrived exponentially under my guardianship! He couldn’t read a word until I taught him. Could not count beyond five. Could not tell the time eighteen months ago...’

‘And he is capable of so much more, don’t you see?’ She spread her palms, pleading although her gaze made it very plain she still thought him an idiot. ‘People learn from other people. A wide variety of people. Your brother is not a child and I know he has the capacity for so much more if only you would let him learn.’

‘Because learning how to dance in a room full of prejudice will surely be the boost he needs!’