Page 30 of Witch Smitten

While the Knight witches had always been recognized everywhere they went on the island, it was more noticeable to Kay now because Damon’s show about their ghost-busting endeavors had made her a local celebrity. She groused about having to make sure she wasn’t wearing a stained shirt or didn’t have flour on her face before making a delivery, but she had to admit she was enjoying her fame a little bit. Especially since she figured it would all die down after Halloween when the spirits would slink back into their hiding spots to rest up and plot the next year’s shenanigans.

Kay’s life had recently been a whirlwind of activity because of more than the ghost hunting missions though. She’d been spending every spare moment she had with Damon. She knew the desire to live and breathe each other was natural in the early phase of their relationship, but secretly she hoped they’d be that couple who was still holding hands and bowing their heads together to giggle about an inside joke when they were eighty.

She was beyond smitten. Kay Knight was in love and it had made everything in her life better. She looked at the chicken coop and sighed, the odor of chicken waste strong in her mind. “Why do I have to help you muck that thing out?” she asked her twin. “Where’s Bri when you need her?”

Corinne said, “She’s booked solid today.” There wasn’t a nail salon on the island, but Bri had been trained as a nail technician in one of her many classes she’d been taking as she searched for a career path. With the sudden uptick in residents trying to look their best in case they were the next star of Damon’s show, Bri had taken advantage of the opportunity and was running a nail salon out of the garage.

Kay let out a groan as she grabbed a muck boot to tug it on her foot.

“Hey, it’s your fault,” Corinne said. “If you weren’t so adorable on camera people wouldn’t have to try so hard. Did you see Perza’s blog? He called you and Damon the dynamic duo.”

Kay glared at her twin. “I suppose I’m Robin?”

“He called you asexyversion. I believe he said you had the sex appeal of Cat Woman but the heart of Robin.”

Kay frowned trying to sort out if Perza had complimented or insulted her, but she shook her head when it occurred to her that it was likely both, since that was part of Perza’s charm with his readership.

“And yet I’m still not famous enough that I don’t have to deal with chicken poop.” She grabbed a shovel and noticed the odor of the coop again as she grimaced. “Yah me.”

Corinne’s shovel scraped against the coop as she dug. “You’d be even more adorable to fans if they knew the truth about you and Damon.”

“And enemy number one if we ever broke up. No way am I letting my relationship be a paranormal version ofThe Bachelor.”

“Not a chance,” Corinne grunted as she dug her shovel into the floor of the run. “First off, there is nobody else vying for your man, and secondly, he’s so in love with you he wouldn’t even notice anyone if they were.”

“Hmpf,” Kay pushed on her shovel with her foot to dig up partially composted hay, pine shavings and chicken waste, and a clump thudded into the wheelbarrow she deposited it in. She did believe what Corinne said was true, but she still didn’t want her relationship with Damon to be up for public consumption. She was enjoying their flirting on camera as if they were the TV couple everyone hoped would get together. His fans, many of who were becoming her fans, loved the banter and the way Kay gently put Damon in his place from time to time.

Damon knew a good hook when he saw it, and he played up their will-they-or-won’t-they theme every chance he got. It certainly made the ghost hunting missions fun.

“You know,” Kay heard Damon say as he approached the chicken coop. “If the ghost hunting thing doesn’t work out, we could always do aDirty Jobs - Witch Stylepodcast.”

Kay grinned at the man who made her heart skip a beat. “Come to help?”

“Ha!” Damon glanced down the suit he was wearing. “Hardly. Left my Carhartts at home. I think Natalie is repairing a hole in the knee.”

“Cute,” Corinne said. “But I’m sure we have a spare pair of overalls in the garage for you.”

“Darn it.” Damon clicked his tongue. “Would you look at the time? Kay and I have somewhere we need to be.”

“We do?”

“Business meeting. At La Chat Creme.”

“Uh-huh,” Corinne said. “Sure you do.”

“Caramel macchiato is serious business,” Kay said, and she walked over to Damon, lifted up on her toes, careful not to brush against him as she gave him a kiss. “This shouldn’t take too long if you want to wait inside with Eileen.”

“Your dear sister is not going to let you go?”

Kay shook her head. “Nope. But seriously, it won’t take long with two of us doing it.”

Damon bent down to give her another kiss. “Think about that dirty job idea I’ve got. You’re awfully cute in those overalls.”

She laughed as he walked away. After three wheelbarrows full of waste, the coop was clear. Corinne told her to go when it was time to power wash the building with a light bleach solution. That was a one-person job, and they’d need to let the coop dry out before filling it with more hay and shavings. A task Kay would be home in plenty of time to do.

After she had a quick shower, Damon drove Kay to the coffee shop on the island. As they walked down the sidewalk toward the cafe, they greeted the people they passed.

“Great show last week,” Mr. Adams said.