Page 18 of Witch Smitten

Corinne set a cookie sheet full of freshly baked snickerdoodles down on the stovetop with a clatter. “Yeah, it didn’t work. Look how long it took me and Noah to end up together.”

Bri made a show of wiping her brow. “Phew!”

“Yup,” Kay said. “No Teletubby for you.”

Bri laughed. “That’s not what I was worried about. I just remembered my favorite show was Barney.”

“Do not sing,” Amelia said as she covered her ears with her hands. “I beg of you.”

“Don’t have to.” Bri grinned. “I bet the theme song is already running through your head.”

“Ugh,” Corinne said. “You’re right.” But then she got an evil look in her eyes and began to hum.

Amelia rolled her eyes at them and sat down behind her desk. “Kay, I heard about your date with Tucker.”

“What date?” Kay scraped a cookie off the hot baking sheet. “The guy didn’t even realize we were on one.”

“I’m sorry. How disappointing.”

“It’s fine,” Kay said. “Tucker is afraid of ghosts anyway.” She thought about how Damon had told her she belonged with someone who would appreciate a powerful witch. And then she thought about her new job as a deputized ghost hunter. The one she hadn’t wanted but somehow had gotten roped into. And the one she was working at in less than an hour.

Amelia lifted up an envelope Bri had just finished addressing. “You do such a good job with these,” she said to the youngest Knight sister before looking at Kay. “Well, at least we got a great contact with Carol. Those samples she sent over were amazing. Brides are going to love her chocolates for party favors.”

“You know,” Bri said as she paused, holding her pen in the air. “Not that I think we should do a love spell for you Kay, but how about a Tarot reading to find out where you should be focusing your energy for finding love?”

“I’m not sure I want to know. What if the cards predict I’m going to be single for the rest of my life?”

“Not going to happen,” boomed the voice of Damon as he stepped into the open doorway of the cottage. He paused as if cameras were about to flash, and Kay imagined being him had to be exhausting. “Hello, Knight ladies,” he said.

“Hey, Damon,” Bri said as Kay glanced at the clock on the wall to check the time. He was early. The two were scheduled to investigate a reported haunting they were both pretty sure wasn’t happening. But Damon thought it would be a good installment to run in his current video series to help show people how sometimes it really is just pipes banging in their walls.

She noticed how not a hair on his head was out of place, and while she didn’t think he wore makeup, his skin did look nearly flawless. Of course, he was blessed with good looks, but she wouldn’t put it past the guy to get facials or use an anti-aging cream. She also noticed he was wearing a suit just as he had been at the fair.

“Where’s the camera crew?” she asked, although, she guessed they were it.

“There’s a camera crew?” Bri asked. “Do you need me to do your makeup?”

Corinne said, “Is that what you’re wearing? Because I gotta say, if you’re next to Damon in his suit, you’re going to look like a witch who’s down on her luck.”

Amelia nodded. “You should definitely let Bri do your makeup. Studio lights are going to wash you right out.”

Damon interrupted them. “Jeez, haven’t any of you seen my videos?”

Kay saw Corinne’s mouth open and shut while her two other sisters avoided his gaze with guilty looks on their faces.

Damon laughed. “You Knight women are a tough crowd. Kay, you look fine, and there is no need to have Bri make you up for the camera. We’ll be using my phone.” He scanned the faces of the four sisters. “For real, none of you have watched me?”

“To be fair, you’re a Brannigan and—” Bri stopped talking when Amelia cleared her throat loudly.

“Family feud,” Damon said. “Got it.”

“But you’re changing that,” Corinne offered. “Kay told us you’re actually nice and want to fix things.”

“I bribed her with chocolate.” He winked at them. “Works every time.”

“Yeah,” Kay said, not sure if the conversation could get worse but determined not to find out. The way things were going, someone was bound to blurt out that she thought he was an arrogant, attention-seeking wizard who got by on his looks. She didn’t think that would do a whole lot for their working relationship. “We should go.”

As they walked out the door, she glanced down at the shirt she was wearing and noticed she had on stained jeans. The clothes she wore for baking were all about comfort. “You’re early. And while I’m not going to spend hours on my makeup, I do want to change.”