Page 95 of Love Bites


The beast, the Lord Protector, disappeared into the darkness and I strained my eyes trying to memorize every detail of him.

My heart was being crushed in a vice.

I feared him. But somehow, I needed him, too. His absence made me feel like I was drowning…

“Bella, are you okay?” Cori’s voice came from far away.

I blinked my eyes and tried to focus on her.

The world slammed back into my consciousness and I looked around.

Every single woman at the whole school was staring at me.

I wished I could disappear into the stones of the courtyard.

“Come, Bella,” Headmistress Hart said quietly. “Cori, Anya, you can come too. Help me get her inside.”

“Circle up, ladies,” Eve’s familiar voice called out. “Everyone focus on me. We’re finishing the chants and then you’re all going back to your rooms.”

The headmistress had me by one arm and Cori by the other as the groans of protest drifted up from the other students.

“She’s in the upper west wing, right?” Headmistress Hart asked. “Bellwether?”

“Yes, headmistress,” Cori said as Anya dashed forward to open the doors. “With me.”

“I-I’m okay,” I managed, even though that was the last thing I was. “You don’t have to hold onto me.”

“You’ve had a shock,” the headmistress replied.

“I’m fine,” I lied.

She gave me a look, then let go.

Cori slid her hand from my arm down to my hand and squeezed. I squeezed back and let her keep her hold on me.

Our group continued in and up the stairs, the plush carpet cold under my feet after the heat of the stones.

At last we reached the room I would be sharing with Cori.

“I’ll go back for your stuff,” Anya offered.

“I’ll send it up with another student,” the headmistress said dismissively. “What Bella needs now, more than clothing, is the companionship of friends. Are the two of you ready to be that for her?”

“Yes, headmistress,” Cori said quickly.

“Of course,” Anya added.

I swallowed loudly.

“Bella, please sit,” Headmistress Hart said.

I complied automatically, dropping heavily onto the edge of my bed, grateful for the chance to get off my feet before they betrayed me.

Cori and Anya seated themselves on either side of me.

“Our ceremony must have seemed most unusual to you, Bella,” Headmistress Hart said.