Page 782 of Love Bites


The lunch rush was over and the kitchen was prepping for dinner, their biggest meal of the day. But all Eagan could think about was a dirty little female and her notebook he had stuffed in his back pocket.

He’d skimmed the contents fifty times since finding it in the lobby but it still didn’t make any sense. Destiny definitely needed to explain herself. But she hadn’t returned his calls. He’d done what she said. Read the book. Now what?

Eagan stirred the giant pot of beef stew before sliding a pan of cheddar biscuits into the oven.

“We need the cobblers in now,” he called over his shoulder.

“Almost done with the peach,” Bailey replied, short of breath. The tiger was usually quick on her toes, but she was lagging today.


“Done. Counter behind you.”

Eagan twisted, grabbing the tray and sliding it into the lower oven.

Layna pushed through the kitchen doors as he was closing the oven. She held the phone up. “Destiny is calling… again.” She frowned. “Never thought I’d get to say that twice.”

“Finally,” Eagan huffed, reaching for the receiver. But Layna held it behind her back out of his reach.

“There’s something you should know first—”

Eagan scowled. “Give me the fucking phone.”

One eyebrow came up, and she smiled ruefully. “Fine.” She passed the phone to him and turned to leave. “It’s your damn funeral.”

Eagan stepped out from behind the prep counter and pushed the speaker to his ear.

The first thing he heard was a gruesome scream. His blood ran cold at the sound. Something was wrong.



Eagan winced, pulling the phone away from his ear.

The hell?

A tortured moan came from the other end of the earpiece, and then, “How much longer? I can’t do this three tiiiiiimes.”

“Give me the phone.” Diz’s voice came calmly in the wake of Destiny’s roar. Her mate was nearby. Good sign. At least she wasn’t alone. But was she alright? Were her triplets okay?

“No. I can talk. I need to talk… just…” Another roar of pain cut off her words.

Holy shit.

There were countless minutes of heavy breathing and then she finally sounded normal. Sort of.

“Eagan? You still there?”

“Uh…” Was the right answer yes? “Yes?”

“Good, okay. Make this quick because another contraction will happen in about… one minute.”

Contraction. Oh… damn. Destiny was in labor.

“This about the book?” she asked when Eagan remained silent.