“Why the hell not?” Cai said, stomping up the steps. He grabbed the scepter first, his fist tight around the center, and lifted the long rod capped by a crystal orb and gems above his head.
The scepter’s magic sparked, illuminated the transparent globe, and—
Math blinked, shocked but relieved he wouldn’t even have to risk lifting the scepter.
But, Cai,really?The scepter was going to chooseCai,out of all the accomplished and distinguished dragons in the room,Cai?
—and sputtered.
And went dark.
False alarm.
Cai laughed and dropped the scepter back into the pages’ waiting hands. He bowed to the King and Queen and leaped off the other side of the dais to the floor.
Math had almost expected him to crowd-surf to the exit.
Arawn ascended to try his hand next. He grasped the scepter in the center, his blond brows furrowed, and he tested his fingers around the rod before steadily raising it over his head.
Sparks again.
Math tensed.
The orb glowed.
Math stepped backward.
And the scepter popped like a burnt light bulb.
This was weird. Usually, the scepter usually either stayed dark and had no response or else it illuminated when it made a selection.
Still frowning, Arawn settled the scepter back in the waiting men’s hands.
The Dragon King walked over. “Is it broken? Let me see that.”
Arawn stepped away, and Llywelyn grabbed the scepter and lifted it.
The scepter sprang to life, fountaining magic sparks and shining with golden light.
The crowd didn’t step back this time because they’d expected the show. No one in that crowd was afraid of a little fire. Their garments were saturated with flame retardant in case of an unfortunate argument or overindulgence in the bean dip.
King Llywelyn tossed the scepter to Queen Bronwyn, who caught it with one hand. It continued to pour magic from both ends and pulse with a golden glow.
Queen Bronwyn said, “It seems to be in order. Next!”
She handed it back to the two pages.
Mathonwy Draco stepped up to the Dragon Scepter. As he stretched out his hand, magic and internal fire from the scepter warmed his palm and fingers. He grasped it, wrapping his fist around the warm gold, and hoisted it above his head.
And the damn thing fizzled out again.