Page 528 of Love Bites


Brady calls out to Keith,"You guys almost ready to go?"

Keith and Sierra get up from their prone position under the lean-to, and I smirk as they arrange their clothing. When Sierra gets to us, I elbow her. "I'm moving into Brady's," I tell her.

Sierra smiles. "I'm moving into Keith's."

Keith wraps his arm around Sierra's shoulders. "I can drop you ladies off, and when you're ready, Sierra, you can come home with me."

Brady has the cooler and the basket in his arms and says to me, "I assume you'll drive your car over to my house?"

The metal of a chair clunks as I fold it up. "Yes."

Keith gathers the furniture and leads us to his Jeep. When we get to it, I turn and scan the area one last time before leaving. It really is beautiful, and I imagine little girls running around through the daffodils playing fairy princess. I'm grinning when I turn to Brady.

"What's the smile for?" He tucks some of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm happy."

This makes his smile bigger, and he scoops me up as he says, "That makes two of us."

I squeal, and he sets me down by the car. Sierra has already gotten in the back, and I scramble in next to her. The leather of the seat has heated up and is warm under my thighs. The odor of cut pine is present, and I guess that's a constant in Keith's life.

On the way to Brady's office, the guys entertain us with stories of their childhood. It sounds as if they spent a lot time practicing their fighting skills, and I smile at the difference between boys and girls.

When I'm finally in my Subaru driving to Brady's, I take the time to process all that's happened in the past two days. It feels as if it was weeks ago that we drove to the Bear Mountain Tree Farm retail store instead of just yesterday.

The sun is low in the sky now, and the temperature is dropping. As I drive up Brady's road in daylight, I go slowly to take in the beauty of his home. The large building exudes power and safety when I notice the decorative wrought-iron grates over the windows. The gate is open, but I stop so I can look at the design.I'm moving into this house!

The engine of my car roars when I step on the gas to continue on up the hill. I notice a wraparound porch on both levels and imagine the heavy doors I see on the second level must be so one can step out of a bedroom to the deck. My mind flashes to sitting out on it with champagne and a naked Brady. I chuckle to myself over my fantasy.

I'm not sure where to park when I arrive so I stop behind Brady's truck and leave my keys in the ignition. Brady comes out of the garage as my door groans open. "I'm thinking about building an extension to make room for two more cars in the garage and maybe a playroom over them."

My heart beats a little faster at his plan for our unborn children.How on earth did I mentally get here so quickly?"Aren't you a little ahead of yourself, Mr. Le Roux?"

"True, I think we should probably plan for a wedding before babies, right?"

A flush rises to my face, and Brady lifts my chin with his finger. "We don't have to take things any further tonight. You can have all the time you need to get comfortable with being my mate."

I shake my head. "I don't need time, Brady. I know this is where I should be, and being your mate is what I'm supposed to do. I've never felt so sure of anything in my whole life."

"Well, then can we do a little something to make my sister happy?" The sly smile on his face makes me tingle in anticipation.

"Sure, what?"

Brady grabs my hand and leads me around to the back of the house. A garden is beginning to show signs of life, and he brings me to a fountain in the middle. "Marry me."

"What?" Water trickles in the fountain, and I block out the sound to focus on Brady's words.

"Let's have an informal wedding based on promises to each other. Annie made me swear I wouldn’t sleep with you until you were sure you wanted to be my mate.” He winks at me. “It also means we can make babies tonight." He's inches from me, and I can't help but inhale his intoxicating scent.

"So it won't be official?" I don't resist the urge to place my hand on his chest, and flannel is soft under my fingers.

He takes it and places it over his heart. "Not yet, but for me it will be the same thing. You're my mate, and I would rather die than be without you."

I nod, because I think I feel the same way. I step back and grasp both of his hands. "Okay, let's get married."

Brady smiles down at me. "I, Brady Le Roux, take Carly Cutler to be my wife. I promise to cherish, love, and protect her til death do us part."