Page 503 of Love Bites


Gravel crunchesunder the tires of the car when we pull into the motel parking lot. We see a long one-story building painted white, the doors are dark green, and each one has a paddle with a painted number nailed above it.

Yellow light glows in the office window as nighttime falls. The slam of our car doors is almost in unison, and Carly and I pick our way across the flat stone walkway. A faint odor of cinnamon greets us when we open the door. I'm surprised to see a girl about our age behind the counter. Her bleached blond hair is in a high ponytail that flips when she turns toward us.

"Looking for a room?" Her voice is almost musical and makes me smile.

I answer, "Yes, please, just one night."

She slides a form across the counter to us, and a pen clatters on the wood surface beside it. Carly takes charge, and I wander around the small space. Snacks are on shelves, and I decide we need some. I clunk two bottles of soda down on the counter as Carly finishes the paperwork.

When Carly hands the form back, the girl’s brown eyes widen a bit, and she glances up quickly from Carly's wrist. She blinks a couple times, and I wait for her to ask about the tattoo because I think she can see it.

She looks back down at Carly's arm and says, "Two sodas? Should I put them on the bill?"

I lean forward, placing my forearms on the counter. "You see it, don't you?"

The girl steps back and shakes her head. "No, I was just admiring the work. It's well done."

I snort. She's one of us. "Right. We'll be in our room if you want to talk about it." I place money down on the counter to pay for the colas.

"Number five. You can call me on the phone if you need anything. Dial zero." The girl chews on her thumbnail.

Carly says, “Thanks. Should I put the key in the box I saw outside when we leave in the morning?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Enjoy your stay. We're happy to have you."

I doubt that. She's spooked about seeing what she's probably been dreaming about, and I don't blame her. When we get to the door, Carly turns back and says in a stern voice, "There's nothing to be afraid of. You have my cell number and can call me when you're ready."

She nods quickly and turns away before we do.

I open the hatch of the car, the metal cold in my hand like the chill running through me. Carly’s intensity back there was weird. I ask, "I wonder how many of us there are?"

"I don't know, but why is that girl so scared?"

"Maybe she isn't up for burly man sex?" The woven nylon of my duffle bag is rough in my hand as I hoist it up on my shoulder. We chuckle, and the beep of the car remote signals the doors are locked.

We enter a simple room with one bed, and springs squawk when I throw myself down on it. Carly is doing her adjust-to-the-germs thing and sits down more slowly. She says, "So we keep going. But do you have an idea where we stop?"

I lie on my belly with bent knees and twist my feet in the air as I inspect my fingernails. "I say New England where I grew up. The forest in my dreams makes me think of Vermont." I look down inside my shirt at my nicely healed tattoo and add, "Besides, if this sign is calling us we'll know if we've gone too far."

"I guess." Carly shudders. "That old woman at the restaurant freaked me out. What do you think she meant when she said our bravery would be tested?"

"Your bravery will be tested, not mine. She told me something else when you were in the bathroom."

"What? You're just telling me now?" She yanks off her sneakers, and they fall to the floor with a thud.

I wave my hand at her. "It doesn't make any sense. She said something about my nurturing nature and how it will serve me well." I grin at her. "I think I'm supposed to take care of you."

Carly snorts and falls back on the bed to look at the ceiling. "Great, you can start by mapping out our driving route. Vermont, huh?"

"You are courageous, you know." I reach over and tweak her knee. "The way you deal with the douche canoes that come into Tattoo Junkies is awesome. Some of those guys scare me, and you treat them like little kids."

"I'm not sure that's brave. I've just never been afraid since I've been around guys like that all my life."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm glad you have my back." I sit up and twist around to look down at her. "Carly, I know this is beyond strange, but in my heart I know we're meant to do it."

“I'm just worried. What if we get all the way to New England and there's nothing to find? Nobody knows I'm Al Cutler's daughter. Who will give me a job? Tattoos are my life, and I can't imagine giving that up. What if leaving Ray was a big mistake?"