Page 417 of Love Bites

He threw the truck into reverse and kicked up a cloud of dust. I tossed the rest of my cone out of the window and just as we hit the main road, a motorcycle pulled up beside us. It was a classic beauty with a long black seat, and the silver chrome gleamed in the sunlight as if it had never known a speck of dust. It didn’t look like those big bikes I’d seen, andTriumphwas written on the side. We slowed at the light and while Lorenzo was fooling with the radio, the rider lifted the face on his helmet.

“Shit,” I whispered.

It was Reno, and by the look on his face, he wasn’t surprised to see me. Nor was he happy.

When we finally reached Austin’s secluded house, Lorenzo skidded to a halt. “Your friend isn’t very subtle,” he said, tilting the rearview mirror.

Reno sped around us on his Bonneville and parked beside a large truck.Thank God the Challenger wasn’t out front.

“Is Cole here?”

“No,” I said, scratching my cheek. “Thanks for helping out.”

Maizy came bounding through the front door and Reno quickly corralled her back inside.

Lorenzo lit up a smoke and stared at the house, taking a few drags before he spoke. “You could be living a lot better than this.”

“It’s temporary until I find my mom.”

He nodded. “Temporary’s good. Real good. You should go back home in less than three days.” Lorenzo took another draw of his smoke and I unbuckled my belt.

“Why three?”

Then his hot eyes flicked over to mine and made a long journey all the way down to my lap. I knew it had to do with thatheatword. Whether all the men could sense it or just the alphas was a mystery, but it made me uncomfortable when it kept coming up in conversation.

I used the side step to get out of the truck and almost tumbled on my ass. Lorenzo stayed in the truck until I made it inside and then he sped off with a few intentionally loud engine revs.

Reno cornered me in the front entrance, gripping his keys tightly. His brows were low, but they weren’t dark, and he looked like the kind of guy who could star in his own action movie. A tiny scar on his lip caught my attention, but not for long when his eyes narrowed. “We got a camera hooked up outside your apartment, remember?”

I shrugged. “I don’t really care if you have an issue with this. Lorenzo’s going to help.”

“That’s not how it works,” he said gruffly, hanging his keys on a nail above the letterR.

I kicked off my shoes and, in Naya fashion, put my hands on my hips. “Thenhowdoes it work? My mom was kidnapped and my little sister was abandoned on the side of a fucking highway. She’s lucky someone didn’t snatch her or run her down. Tell me, Reno, how does it work that I can’t get more people helping out since you guys won’t call the cops?”

“Human cops aren’t going to solve your problem,” he replied in ayou should already know thatvoice. “And we don’t bring other packs in our business unless the Packmasters come to a mutual agreement. That’s problematic. You want to be beholden to someone you don’t know? He’ll want the favor returned, and it’s going to be a big lump-sum payment.”

“Well, he’ll have to get on the payment plan because I’m flat broke.”

Reno blocked me from going into the living room and poked my shoulder with his finger. “The plan is you.”

Thenhe walked off.

Denver shot me a judgmental glare when I strolled into the living room. Maizy rolled around on the floor while cartoon animals on the big TV paddled across a river.

“Did she take her nap?” I asked.

“She’s not tired. Are you, Peanut?”

I looked down at her restless legs and back at him. “Of course she’s not tired. How much sugar did you give her? Maizy isn’t used to eating sweets all the time; she gets hyper and then throws fits because she can’t sleep.”

He leaned back in his chair, crossed his ankles, and laced his fingers together across his stomach. “I’m not apologizing for giving her candy,” he replied in a smartass tone.

“Ooo, Lexi!” Maizy squealed, whirling around. “Denny has a biiiiig yellow candy jar with lots of different kinds of candy. There were worms and bears and chocolate and—”

While Maizy listed off what she had for lunch, I smiled. “Uncle Denny is going to watch you all day, would you like that?”

She squealed a yes.