Page 402 of Love Bites




I nuzzled my head against something warm.

“Damn, she’s got aniceass,” a man’s voice whispered.

“Not really my type, but I’d tap that.”

“What, Jericho has a type now?”

“Tits and tats, that’s where it’s at, Denver,” he said with a chuckle.

“Well, I like a nice ass. Andthat’stop of the line. Look how it cups just below the panty line.” Then the sound of air hissing through teeth. “Damn.”

“First time you been close to one of those?” Jericho asked with a chuckle.

“Shut it.”

Then I blinked my eyes open and realized what I was nuzzling against that was so warm and solid.


He was on his back, arms spread out, and I was covering him like a tablecloth at Thanksgiving. My right leg was hooked around his hip, and my body fit snugly against his right side.

I lifted my head and saw that my red hipsters were a little too close to his black jockeys. Not only that, but we had an audience. Denver and Jericho were standing at the door admiring the view and watching us like a double feature.

“Get out!” I shouted so loud Austin flew up and nearly flung me off the bed. His arm snaked around my waist just in time and pulled me onto his lap.

So there I was, bent over Austin’s legs like a bad girl about to get spanked.

Chuckles from across the room were cut short when Austin spoke. He didn’t yell like I had, but it was contained, controlled, and quiet. “Get the fuck out.”

The door closed.

I scrambled to get away and yanked the comforter over my legs.

Austin got out of bed and slowly hitched up his jeans, yawning hard and ending it with a growl. I could still smell him all over me.

“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I complained.

He cleared his throat and combed his fingers through his hair a few times. It was messy and nice all at once. I admired the medallion he wore around his neck that dangled when he bent over to pick up his shirt. “Because I was busy sleeping?”

His indifference only made me look desperate, and it felt like we were right back where we started. My old feelings toward him needed to end. I was tired of chasing a shadow of my past. Time had changed both of us, and I didn’t have much of a heart left to give to a man who didn’t want it.

I leapt off the bed and stepped into my jeans, yanking them over my hips angrily. Didn’t even care if he was watching me. I tucked my bra into my back pocket—straps hanging out and all.

Austin circled around the bed and blocked my exit. “Where you going?”

“Home. Remember?”


“Don’t do that. You promised you would take me home.”

“Why are you mad?” He still sounded sleepy and the fact he wasn’t wearing a shirt wasn’t helping any. Not when I could see his defined abs, and then one of his pecs twitched.