Page 262 of Love Bites

I was beginning to hate the sound of my name.

“Violet?” Jane clomped out from her office, her gold heels matching her shiny gold blazer. “Thanks for that information on the Sugarloaf building. That was exactly what I needed.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Will you do me another favor?”

My stomach tightened. I didn’t want to be Jane’s gopher girl, but I couldn’t see that I had much choice. “Sure.”

“Here are the names and addresses of two more buildings I’m considering purchasing. One is in Hill City, the other is in Sturgis. Will you run over to the library and see what you can find on each of them?”

I took the two Post-Its that she held out. “I’m having lunch with a client today.” No harm in lying this late in the game. “Can I bring you the information this afternoon?”

“Of course.” Her smile reached her blue eyes. “Good luck at lunch.”

Ray snorted as soon as she was out of earshot. “Looks like Jane is making you into her little errand bitch, Blondie. How about picking up my dry-cleaning while you’re out. Oh, and if you bring me back some lunch, I’ll throw in a nice tip.”

Slinging my purse over my shoulder, I paused by his desk long enough to whisper, “Asshole sayswhat.”

His eyebrows pulled together. “What?”

“Exactly.” Whistling, I strolled out the back door.

Head down as I crossed the parking lot, I fished my keys from the bottom of my purse. I’d reached the back bumper of my Bronco by the time I’d finally freed them. I looked up and stopped short. “Goddamn it!”

Ray had parked practically on top of me.

I side-stepped between the two vehicles and unlocked my door, but his SUV was so close there was no way I could squeeze inside. Tempted to key his sparkling SUV, I glared in through his passenger window. His beige leather seats shined in the sunlight filtering through his moon-roof. A nest of papers covered the passenger side floor—probably his For Sale flyers.

A peek into the back seat area found more papers, some with torn edges. Several pieces were flipped right-side up, looking like he’d driven with his windows down. I shielded my eyes and squinted through the back window. As I looked from one paper to the next, I frowned.What the hell?

Why was Ray’s SUV filled with “Missing Girl” posters?