Page 249 of Love Bites

“The dinner-once-a-week clause in your contract.”

“You didn’t even make the pie.”

“No, but I bought the bucket of chicken.”

“Fine, but next week you need to take me somewhere a little more fancy.” He shoveled pie into his mouth, scowling at me as he chewed. “What if you’re wrong about Jeff Wymonds?”

“The cops keep looking for the real kidnapper.”

“Sure, after they’ve destroyed Wymonds’ reputation. Do you really want to add to Kelly’s family problems?”

Of course not. “I just can’t shake this gut feeling about Jeff.”

“That’s just gas.” He polished off the last of my piece of pie. “What about that girl from Spearfish—Cherry Cobbler?”

Harvey had cherries on the brain. “You mean Sherry Dobbler.”

He grunted. “Same thing.”

“What about her?”

“She wasn’t on the swim team. Why did he go for her?”

“I haven’t figured that one out yet.”

“And why would Jeff be plucking girls from the team he coached? Anybody with half a brain knows not to piss in his own well.”

“Yeah, but we’re talking about Jeff. His antennae doesn’t pick up all the channels, right?” According to Natalie, anyway.

“Sure he’s hit his head one too many times, but that just makes him a bit dense sometimes. I don’t know about you, butthick-skulledandbat-shit crazydon’t share the same page in my thesaurus.”

The fact that Harvey even owned a thesaurus gave me pause.

“Mom?” Addy called.

I turned around.

Addy’s head was poking out the back door, a piece of red licorice hung from the corner of her mouth. “Kelly’s dad just called.”

“He must have felt you yanking on his chain,” Harvey murmured for my ears only.

“He wants her to come home now.”

“What should I do?” I whispered to Harvey.

Harvey scraped cherry sauce off the pie pan with his finger, licking it clean. “Personally, I’d drive the Bronco. The Wymonds’ place is on the other side of town. But if you feel like pedalin’ while Kelly rides on the handlebars, go right ahead.”

“Smartass. I mean, should I take her home?”

“Sure. Unlessyouwant to be thrown in jail for kidnapping.”

“What if he’s guilty?”

“What if he’s just a father wanting to see his daughter?”

As much as the thought of returning Kelly to her home made my stomach cramp, I knew Harvey was right. I turned back to Addy. “Is Kelly all packed?”

Addy nodded.