Page 239 of Love Bites

She took another swing at him, but Doc dodged it this time, then captured her wrist in his grip.

“You’re making an ass of yourself in front of your clients.” The icy fury in Doc’s gaze would have turned a regular mortal into a human Popsicle.

I glanced back at the doorway. The young couple stood there, their mouths hanging open, too.

“Fuck you!” Tiffany said. I could have sworn she followed it with a hiss.

“Goodbye, Tiffany.”

“I hope you die a horrible death.”

“Nice to see you, too.” Doc let go of her wrist and grabbed my arm again. “We’re leaving, Violet.”

I stumbled after him down the curb and across the street to my Bronco, my mouth still catching bugs.

“Holy shit! I take it you two know each other,” I said when I finally found my voice again.

“You could say that.” He opened the driver’s side door and pushed me inside.

“Intimately by the sounds of it.” Not to mention the looks of it, judging by the fierce scowl that Tiffany was shooting in our direction from where she remained at the end of the walkway.

“That depends on your definition ofintimate.” He slammed my door shut and marched around to his side.

I waited for him to climb in and shut the door. “Intimate as in you’ve seen each other in your birthday suits.”

I didn’t know why I was digging for more details. Could be I was in shock. Could be I was a little jealous. Most likely, I just enjoyed seeing Doc squirm and sweat for once, instead of me.

He stared out the front window. “Then the answer would beyes.”

I started the Bronco, the mystery of his relationship with the redhead clearing as my shock faded and a blast of warm air from the vents hit my skin. “I’m not your first real estate agent in town, am I?”

“Technically, yes. Her office is in Spearfish.”

As we rolled through the housing development, I kept casting fleeting looks at him and his reddening cheek.

“I thought sleeping with your Realtor was off-limits.” There, I said it. I couldn’t help it. Something inside of me wanted to rub his nose in that, sting him just a tiny bit for rejecting me from the start.

He turned and caught my gaze. “It is.”

I raised my brows as I stopped at the main highway junction, waiting for a long string of cars to pass before I could pull out and head back toward Deadwood.


Eight cars to go.

“Hmmm?” I glanced his way and my eyes got trapped by his.

“You’re a much better agent than she was.”

My neck warmed at his compliment, but my pride still smarted. “Thanks.”

Six cars.

“If we have sex,” he continued, “I’ll have to find another Realtor, and I’m tired of living out of hotel rooms.”

“I never said I wanted to have sex with you.” That came out more defensive-sounding than I’d have liked.

“You don’t have to say it.”