Page 181 of Love Bites

“Are you okay?”

His dark eyes flicked my way. “I will be in a second.”

“Can I help you … somehow?”

“I just need to catch my breath.”

Funny, he didn’t seem winded.

As the seconds ticked by, his cheeks regained some color. “I’m Doc Nyce, by the way.”

Nyce?How did I know that name?

“I left you a message earlier this morning.”

“You’re Doctor Nyce?” Judging by his jeans and faded black T-shirt, I wouldn’t have guessed that M.D. followed his name.

“Yes, but I’m not a doctor.”

Puzzled, I crossed my arms. “Then why do you go bydoctor?”

“I don’t. I go by ‘Doc.’ My name is Dane, but my initials are ‘D.R.’ Nyce.”

Well, there were ten seconds of my life that I’d never get back. I indicated to the chair across from my desk. “Do you want to have a seat,Doc?”

“I’ll just stand here, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay.” I hesitated, uncertain if I should follow his lead or sit.

“You have something on your …” He circled his face with his open palm.

Shit!I’d forgotten about my clown makeup. My cheeks burned so hot that my ears sent up smoke signals. I grabbed another tissue and swiped at my eyes. “Is that better?”

He winced. “Not really.”

I gave up and sat. “What can I do for you, Mr. Nyce?”

“I want to buy a house.”

A buyer? Holy crap. I tried not to drool as I smiled. “Do you have a house in mind?”

“No.” His gaze whipped back to the coffee maker, his nostrils flaring.

“An area then?”

“Close to Deadwood.” He sniffed, twice.

“How close?” Was the coffee burning? I sniffed, too. Nope. “Like a five-mile radius?”


Wolfgang’s house came to mind, but it wouldn’t be ready to show for a few weeks, if that. I opened my notebook containing our current listings and scanned for Deadwood addresses. “How many bedrooms are you interested in?”

“I’m easy.”

“How many baths?”

“Two.” His voice sounded further away. I looked up to find him pressing against the front door, his focus now on Mona’s desk. What in the hell?