Page 13 of Love Bites

Gideon shot a look at Xavier, who looked torn but didn’t say anything. Fucking elders. Fuck all of them. The Mating Clause was an old ritual whereby, if the Alpha needed a mate to help provide a future for his people, then the Pack would find him one. They would form a marriage, and then, over time, the bond would be formed. It wouldn’t be true mating, but with enough power and with a touch of witch magic, they could procreate and provide the next generation of power for the Pack.

It had never been used in his lifetime, and he’d be damned if it would be used now.

He fisted his hands at his side, reining in his control. If he shifted right then and spilled blood, he’d only prove to them he was too weak to hold his own wolf. They were basing their actions on the fact they thought he was too weak to lead alone, and he wasn’t about to give them any more ammunition.

Something else clicked and his wolf howled.

“That’s why you have Iona here. You want me to mate with her so you can have your precious power. By forcing me to mate, you tell the Pack that you’re just as strong, if not stronger, than I am.”

Shannon angled her head in the way of the wolf. “Does it?”

He knew he had a way out. Fate had provided him with the answer after all, but it was the wrong choice. Heknewit. Brie was too submissive. She wasn’t a Talon. She was way too fucking young.

And he’d yet to even speak with her on the matter.

But if he didn’t tell the elders now, his entire Pack would be fucked. Letting them know of her existence wouldn’t force her into a mating and wouldn’t do anything other than give him time.

Time was the only thing he needed, and he prayed that Brie and the Redwoods would forgive him.

“You can’t force me to mate with Iona.”

“That’s where you are wrong,” Shannon purred. “We can, and we will.”

Gideon shook his head and took a deep breath. “You can’t because I’ve already found my potential mate.”

Iona sucked in a deep breath, and he felt his family stiffen beside him. He ignored them for now. There would be time later to explain his actions and why he’d hidden her. They’d understand as soon as he told them exactlywhohis potential mate was.

“Lies!” Shannon spat.

“No. Not a lie. It’s new, and we haven’t had time to fully come to terms with it.” Or even speak of it. “But youwillgive us time to find our path. I willnotbe forced into mating with her early.” Or at all.

Shannon narrowed her eyes. “You have two days. Provide this suddenmateof yours, or youwillmate Iona.” She smiled. “For the good of the Pack of course.”

Gideon growled low and watched the others stomp away. He could feel his family behind him, but he didn’t speak.

He couldn’t.

There was no way this was going to work. He’d dug himself into a hole and buried Brie with him.

What the hell was he going to do?