Page 93 of Love Bites

All of my senses were entangled in the guardian, attuned to his every move.

He began to stalk around the circle. He paused in front of one girl, and her voice began to quiver as she chanted.

He kept moving. He had begun on the other side of the crowd, but he was slowly coming closer to me.

I focused on my breathing, wishing I could scream or run. But something held me fast to him, like an invisible wire was pulling taut between us.

He stopped in front of another girl, who was blinking back tears, but he moved on faster this time.

His gait was graceful, like an animal’s. He was close enough now that I swore I couldsmellhim - woodsy and complicated, like the forest itself.

He was closer now. Close enough that I could no longer bear to look at him.

I stared down at my hands, which were clenched into tight fists. I felt him move to me, sensed him stopping directly behind me.

Electricity filled the air between us. The tiny hairs on my arms lifted. I could almost feel his breath on my neck. I held my own breath as my heart crashed in my chest.

He put his hand on my neck, signaling me to face him.

I felt myself obey instantly.

His blue eyes were so bright it almost hurt to look at them. He touched my cheek, his rough hand surprisingly gentle.

I fought the urge to close my eyes and lean into that hand.

“You,” he said.