Page 9 of Love Bites


Gideon couldn’t get her scent off his mind. That sweet and sugar scent that sent his wolf into hyperdrive and made him want to bend that pretty little Redwood Pack princess over the table and fuck her until they were both spent, sweaty, and mated.


It had been two days since he’d last seen her, since he’d held her in his arms when she tripped, and yet he couldn’t push her from his mind.

Fuck. Again.

He was the goddamn Alpha of the Talon Pack. He’d been through war, torture, mutiny, and goddess knew what else. He was over a hundred years old and had seen humanity and his kind at their worst.

Yet he couldn’t stop thinking about a girl as though he was a teenage boy on the cusp of manhood. His dick was in a perpetual state of hardness because he couldn’t get Brie out of his mind.

He couldn’t get the feeling of her body pressed against his out of his mind.

And he hadn’t even had a full conversation with her. Hadn’t even truly met her beyond the quick introductions. He pushed her from his mind as far as he was able in order to focus on the tasks at hand. There were more important things in the world than what his dick wanted and what his wolf thought they needed.

Because there was no way his wolf could be right.

Fate wouldn’t be so cruel as to finally bless him with a mate he didn’t want.

Considering how much he’d seen of fate in his life, though, he shouldn’t have been surprised that he’d found a potential mate in a too-young wolf from another Pack.

Asubmissivewolf at that.

There was no way a submissive wolf could be his mate.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t protect her and didn’t value the submissives in his Pack as a whole. It was the fact that, as his mate, the Alpha female would have to be as strong, if not stronger in some respects, than he. She had to stand by his side and fight for their Pack’s safety and help him make the tough decisions that marred his soul daily.

There was no way a submissive could handle that kind of power.

There was no way he’dforcea submissive to deal with that darkness.

So he’d do what he had to and not see her again. He’d somehow managed not to meet her once over the years, so it hadn’t been a problem. He’d get over this mating urge and find a way to move on. Maybe in another hundred years, fate would provide him another potential mate, one more suitable.

And one who didn’t make him feel like an ass.

It was for Brie’s own good.

She hadn’t come to him or even spoken of it when they met, so she must have seen the logic in not mating with him as well. At least, he hoped she’d recognized that they were potential mates. From the way her body reacted in his arms and the look of…not fear but something close to it, he had a feeling she’d known just as he had. Of course, her family had surrounded her the entire time they’d been in the same room, and it would have been fucking awkward for everyone if they’d discussed it then. He wasn’t about to letthatlogic trip him up. The sooner he pushed her away and ignored the bond his wolf craved, the better for both of them.

Even if it hurt like hell to think about it.

The image of her bright green eyes filled his mind, and he cursed.

She wasn’t going to be easy to forget, and he hadn’t even gotten to know her. Thank the goddess he hadn’t, though, because he knew it would have been near impossible to push her away at that point.

He was doing the right thing.

And as long as he kept telling himself that, he’d be okay.

His cock ached since he couldn’t get her out of his head, but he ignored it like he was ignoring everything else. Instead of dealing with it, he’d work out to burn off some adrenaline, then wait for Brynn to show up so they could watch a movie before they met with the elders that night. He tried to spend time with each of his siblings, and Brynn was his favorite—not that he’d tell her or the others that. Unlike the Jamensons, the lone daughter in the Brentwood family wasn’t the youngest. They all might have treated her as though she was, but she fought back and was stronger for it.

Gideon sighed then stripped off his shirt so he could get a workout in. That would help him burn off some of the adrenaline in his system so he could face the day. The way his thoughts kept drifting to Brie and those plump lips of hers, it seemed he’d be doing a lot of extra workouts in the future.

He gripped the bar at the top of his doorway and started doing pull-ups. About three hundred or so would help him start to feel the burn. Being a wolf—an Alpha wolf at that—helped with the endurance. When he got to about a hundred, someone knocked at the front door. He set his feet on the ground and inhaled.

Well hell.