Page 814 of Love Bites

“Because cats aren’t monogamous.”

She went stiff in his arms. Suddenly he was holding a tree instead of a soft, luscious human.

“Excuse me?”

“Cat shifters as a rule, aren’t monogamous. It goes against our animal’s instincts. Our clan is the exception. We chose to abstain from mating instead. As young, we saw that it resulted in tragic pairings. Females so unhappy they don’t want to live. Males so confused they can’t tell instinct from reality. Families fractured and broken. Futures misshapen. We wanted better for ourselves. So we made a pact. No mating. Ever. Easy fucking peasy.”

Clara squinted. “Your jaguar desires other women?” She laughed but it wasn’t funny. “That sounds like an excuse to me. If you guys can’t keep it in your pants, you just blame it on the cat? Do women really fall for that?”

If it was possible, Eagan fell even more in love with her in that moment.

“Yeah. Unfortunately they do. But it’s not a ploy. Not exactly. For males, our animals don’t bond the way we want them to.”

Clara frowned, shaking her head. “Poor Bethany.”

Eagan didn’t follow.

“I mean, it must be so hard to be mated to Renner and know he wants to be with other women.” The look on her face was so sad.

“No, it isn’t like that,” Eagan huffed. “I’m trying to explain this, but I’m not doing it right. Too damn angry. Too…” He looked at her, standing there sad and confused. “Too needy. I fucking need you, Clara. But I have to settle first. So we can talk. You understand?”

“I’m trying to,” she said, uncertain.

Eagan stepped back, pulling his shirt over his head. “I’m going to shift for a while. Okay? Pull my cat out. Just until I calm. I don’t want you to be afraid.”

“O-Okay. What should I do?”

Eagan thought about it. “Go lay on the bed.”

Clara nodded and bent to take her boots off.

“Put on my clothes. The ones you slept in.”

She bit her lip. “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“Yes. Do it.”

He unbuckled his jeans, removing the rest of his clothes so he was completely naked. Jag quarreled beneath the surface of his skin, needing something he couldn’t give it.Her. He needed her, but she wasn’t ready. Might never be.

He watched her as she stripped and dressed in the thread-bare clothes he’d loaned her and then laid on the bed. She stared at him expectantly.

“I won’t hurt you,” he reminded.

“I know.” Her whisper of trust hit him right in the sternum, strengthening his bond for her.

Without anymore hesitation, he let his cat roar forward, his flesh giving way to fur. His teeth to fangs. His hands to claws.

The jag purred with the transition and finally, finally being able to have his mate. He leaped forward, onto the bed, his massive paws on either side of her face. Her beautiful eyes were wide with surprise. And yes, fear.

Won’t harm. Never harm mine.

Slowly, he lowered his nose to her neck, rubbing his face along her skin. A small giggle escaped her and it made him so happy he nearly forgot about the panther who’d taken a swipe at him.

“Your whiskers,” she chirped. “They tickle.”

His purr rumbled the room as he nuzzled her.

“Eagan,” she breathed, and he felt the fear slip away through their bond. “My Eagan. Can I pet you?”