Page 806 of Love Bites


Clara was ripped out of the best sleep of her life by a knock on the cabin door. A bang really. Several urgent bangs. Eagan’s big hand on her head urged her further from her sweet coveted rest.

She lifted her drowsy eyes to his and her breath caught in her chest. His gaze glowed with emotion so fierce it should have scared her. But it didn’t. With his ruffled hair and sleep-sexy face and his strong arms holding her steady, all she could feel was… safe.

She felt safe, and that… was a miracle.

“Someone’s at the door,” he murmured.

Clara nodded and rolled to the side, back onto the cushy bed. Eagan sat on the edge of the mattress and pulled his pants on over the boxers he’d worn to sleep.

He turned to look at her, his eyes wary. “Stay here. I’ll protect you, Clara. Remember that. And whatever happens… do not run from me.”

“I won’t.” She meant it.

He bent slowly, and kissed the top of her head. The gesture was so sweet, so protective, it left her insides quaking. That was her cook, always looking out for her. What had she done to deserve his loyalty? She wanted to be worthy of him, but the truth was he was too good for her.

Eagan edged the door open. “Bethany,” he said.

Clara recognized the name. It was the woman from the spa.

“You alone?” Eagan asked.

“Yes. Can I come in?”

He hesitated, but finally flung the door wide for her to walk through.

“I came to check on your guest,” she informed as she made her way toward the couch which sat adjacent to the bed. A single half wall separated the living area and the bedroom. “Hi, there.” She smiled brightly as she spotted Clara.

Clara attempted to return it, but it was early, and she hadn’t talked to anyone but Eagan in too many years. And the only other person she’d come in contact with wanted to “deal” with her and kill Eagan. So she wasn’t exactly ready to buddy up to any of them.

“I see you aren’t bound and gagged as Magic might have suggested.”

Clara frowned. None of that. Eagan had been a little saucy, but never cruel.

“Fucking kidding me,” he muttered, running a hand through his hair. “I wouldn’t hurt my mate. I’m not a monster.”

Bethany looked at him. “I know. The others too. Nobody believes you’re going to mate her.”

Eagan stiffened.

“Unless…areyou going to mate her?”

His eyes flashed to Clara and then to the ground. “What are you doing here, Bethany?”

“Checking on your sweetheart. Like I said. Magic told me she was human, so I thought another human face might cheer her up.”

“You’re not a cat-woman?” Clara managed.

Bethany’s grin was so friendly, Clara relaxed a notch. “Nope. I’m as human as they come.” She stepped forward with her hand outstretched. “I’m mated to Renner. He’s a cat. Like Eagan. So, I kind of get what you’re going through right now. It can be a lot to take in all at once.”

Slowly, Clara raised her own hand and gave the woman a single shake before dropping it. “Clara,” she murmured.

“Nice to meet you, Clara.”

“Did…” Should she ask? Was it too personal? “Did Renner get kicked out when he mated you?” Maybe there was a way back into the fold after the mating was done. Not… not that her and Eagan would mate, but she’d feel better knowing he could be with his family again if he wanted.

Bethany cocked her head to one side, considering the question. “No. But we kind of consider that a Christmas miracle. We definitely broke Magic’s rule, but he gave us a pass. I’m sure he has his reasons. He’s not usually so… um… riled.”