Page 787 of Love Bites

She walked right out the front door, not caring about the cameras or if her scent, which she hadn’t bothered to hide, gave her away. She was as good as caught anyway. If not by the authorities, then by the compassion shown to her by a perfect stranger she’d done wrong.

This time, it wasn’t someone else’s sins she had to account for. It was her own. And the only way to do it, was to let this play out.

Fear was her shadow as she made her way back to the deep woods.

* * *

Eagan wasup before the sun. The benefits of not being able to sleep. He’d tossed in his bed most of the night, his thoughts on the female. He’d wonder if she returned. If she found the food he’d left her. Wondered where she slept, if she was warm enough.

His jag had harassed him to come wait for her. Catch her so they could get their questions answered. So he could scent her properly and determine what kind of threat she was.

But he’d held back. Fought whatever strange instinct his cat felt for the female.

Awareness niggled at the back of his mind. Something he desperately wanted to be wrong about. But what were the chances this thief was his mate? It would be the sorriest trick fate ever pulled. To bring her here, when he purposely hadn’t sought her out. When he couldn’t have her. Wouldn’t.

When it was finally close enough to sunup, he quickly showered and dressed. Locking up his cabin, he took his four wheeler through the dark and winding roads that separated the lodge from the cats’ homes.

Nobody was up yet, or if they were, they were being as quiet as he was.

In the lobby, he gave Count Dracula a knock on the noggin to wake him up.

“Muuu-ah-ah-ah. Velcome to my castle. Care for a bite?”

“Not today, man,” Eagan breathed in good humor.

His steps took him quickly to the kitchen. As soon as he was through the doors, his nose perked up. He stopped, inhaling deep to imprint the scent that slammed into his sternum. His eyes fell closed and his muscles went limp, his jaguar reacting in a way he’d never experienced before.

Lavender and the green of the spruce trees. And something else.Woman. Hot, wild woman. His woman.His.

Eagan’s breath rushed in and out of his chest, making his nostrils flare. His cat lit into a purr that rumbled the air in the room.

He stalked forward, eyes on the counter. There was nothing left of the food he’d intended for her and that settled his animal some. But on the counter was the piece of paper from her notebook. He lifted it to his nose, inhaling deep. She’d inadvertently left her scent there. Lotion perhaps. But for sure, she’d skipped the hunting attractant this time.

A sly smile curved his lips. Finally, her scent. He could track her now. And he would. Because she was his. This scent proved it.

His mate.

He’d vowed to never search for his intended. He’d made the pact with his clan like everyone else. No mating. Protect the females by abstaining from the mating bond. Magic’s law. The clan’s law.Hislaw.

But she’d found him, and under the most unlikely circumstances. This was fate in action. How could anyone argue against fate?

His grin faded as he lowered the paper.

Magic was going to be pissed when he found out. He’d lose his shit over this, for sure.

Eagan clenched his jaw, thinking.

She’d left her scent, which meant he could track her… and so could anyone else. Magic for example. Or Gash, if he caught her scent where it wasn’t supposed to be on a security run. Right now, it was fine. Her scent would mingle with the other humans at the lodge, but if she returned… if her scent was discovered where items went missing…

Eagan’s eyes flew across the words she’d left him.

Please, I need my notebook back. If you return it, I swear I’ll never come back here again.

In theory, that was exactly what needed to happen. If she kept coming around, she’d be caught. But reality was a bitch, because Eagan couldn’t let her get lost in the woods, never to be seen again. He couldn’t go sleepless at night wondering if she was okay, if she had what she needed, if she was taking other people’s hard earned things. It was clear she regretted her actions. Was he supposed to let her keep doing them?

He frowned, his heart crashing against his ribcage.

He couldn’t have her. Magic would never allow it. But heneededto be sure she was safe and no longer homeless.