Page 620 of Love Bites

Granny and Dwayne slipped away and disappeared as I rolled down the beach tangled up in the most beautiful man in the world. The only thing stopping me from doing something illegal was the sheer amount of sand that had gathered in my bikini bottoms.

“I will marry you, Henry James Wilson. I will love you always. Next time I have a stupid idea, I promise I will run it past you first.”

Hank held me close and pressed sweet kisses all over my face. “That works for me, Essie. You’re mine.”

“And you’re mine.”

He laughed and picked me up in his strong arms. “Yes, I’m yours. Now I’d really like to shower the sand out of my pants. You with me?”

“I am with you till the end of time. I do have some sand in some unmentionable places,” I mumbled. “Maybe you could help me out with that?”

“I think it could be arranged. I definitely think it could be arranged.”

And it was. And it was amazing. Really, really amazing…really, really.

— THE END (for now)—