Page 606 of Love Bites

It was odd and kind of icky. Not erotic for me at all and from the way Dwayne was laughing, I figured it wasn’t a turn-on for him either. He bit my wrist as I swallowed down his blood that tasted bizarrely like mac and cheese. After taking a quick nip of my O positive he closed the wound with his tongue.

I withdrew my fangs and closed my eyes as a rush of heat blasted through me, ending at my toes and fingertips. My vision sharpened and my sense of smell was insane. Holy hell, the self tanner smelled like butt.

“You have to go,” Dwayne said as he gently pushed me out of the car. “Remember, you are not superhuman. You’re just stronger with heightened senses for a day or two or three…”

“You have no clue how long this will last, do you?” I asked dryly.

“Um…no, but I don’t regret it for a moment. You needed it and I gave it. Ohhh, and that wasn’t at all sexy. It tickled and felt squishy.”

“Thanks,” I muttered as I grabbed my overnight bag and checked my gun.

“Are your panties up your ass?” Dwayne asked, concerned.

“No. Why?”

“Well, it looked like you were adjusting your hoohoo and I figured…”

“Dwayne,” I hissed. “I was not adjusting myhoohoo. I was checking my gun, which I wear on the inside of my thigh, but thank you for your concern.”


I studied him silently for a moment. He was three hundred. Maybe he knew something I didn’t. “Dwayne, do you know how to kill a Dragon?”

He nodded in reply, not smiling at all. “The usual. Take the heart out, or decapitate him, but that’s a bit difficult with all those sharp scales.”

“Right.” So much for another way to off a Dragon.

“I plan to mind meld those jack-offs at the Sherriff’s office,” he informed me smugly.

“I thought that kind of thing only worked on humans.”

“Maybe. I’ve never tried it on Dragons, but I can’t wait.” He clapped his hands like a child on Christmas morning and I gave him the eyeball.

“You will be careful,” I told him. “If you get hurt, I will kick your ass.”

I walked away as his eyes filled with happy tears. Dwayne was a piece of work, but he was my piece of work and I was going to keep him.