Page 569 of Love Bites


If someone had askedme five years ago what I wanted in life, I would have said my own auto-mechanic business and maybe a man to keep my bed warm. Well, I got both and thought my dreams had been realized. Little did I know I would sell everything, dump the perfect guy, and move to northern Maine, all because of a series of dreams and a pawprint tattoo.

A couple months ago, Carly and Sierra came through my town on their way here, and when I saw the tattoo from my dreams, they gave me one, too. It sealed the deal, and here I am.

Having been on a tour of the Bear Mountain Tree Farm with Sierra and Annie, I'm on my way to the Le Roux home. Tree cover darkens the windy drive up to Annie's house. I'm staying here until I get settled and figure out what I want to do. It sounds like a houseful with Annie, her brother Brady, Carly, and Lily, another girl who just moved here.

Not much makes me nervous, but being around other women does. I spent most of my life under cars and can handle the crassest of men, but girly stuff makes me want to run. Denim is coarse under my damp palms when I rub them down my thighs.

Annie says, “Matt, the guy in your dreams, is coming for dinner. You'll get a chance to meet and get to know each other. No pressure if you don't like him. We'll just send him on his way.” She chuckles, and I wonder if she has any idea how strong my attraction is for him.

I think that was the hardest part about leaving Christian. Really, he was who I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. Smart, sexy as hell, and in love with the woman I am, he couldn't have been more perfect. But when I started having dreams about this guy Matt, my feelings for Christian went from hot to cold like a flash—especially since I was cheating on him in those dreams.

Following Annie, we pull up to a large house, but it's the landscaping that has me awestruck. The lawn seems to go on forever, and it makes me think the Le Roux own more acreage than the state of Rhode Island. As I step out of my truck, the scent of lilies floats toward me, and I notice a garden full of pink and white color.

Annie says, “The gardens are my favorite part of this house. Do you like flowers?”

I shrug because they aren’t my thing, but I do appreciate the beauty and say, “Your land is amazing. This is a wonderful home.” My feet thud behind Annie’s on the wooden steps.

Carly opens the front door to greet us, and the first thing I notice is she's pregnant. She places her hands on her stomach, since I'm staring, and says, “Triplets. I'm going to be huge.”

“Wow, that was fast.” Blood rushes to my face, because it occurs to me she might have been pregnant before she came.

Before I can stick my foot further into my mouth, she says, “Yeah, Brady and I got pregnant before the wedding. C'mon in and meet him. We're excited you're finally here.”

Yet another person that makes me feel normal sized, a man stands when we enter the kitchen. He steps closer to take my hand. “I'm Brady Le Roux, and you must be Taylor. Welcome.”

His hand almost dwarfs mine, and I'm beginning to wonder what they feed people up here. “Thanks. I'm happy to be here. You have quite the family compound, and, from the looks of it, a darn successful business.”

“Carly tells me you ran a successful business, too. I look forward to putting your talents to good use. But we'll talk later. Take some time to settle in.”

Annie opens the oven door on my right, and steam blasts out along with the scent of garlic. She says, “Dinner should be ready in about forty-five minutes. I hope you like lasagna, Taylor. It's my go-to meal for guests.”

“I do, and it smells wonderful.”

Carly says, “Keith is bringing your bags up to your room for you. I'll take you there.”

Keith? Is there a butler in this place?

Walking down a long hall, I almost gawk at how large the house is when we pass four bedroom doors before getting to the one I'll stay in. A room decorated in light yellow with blue bedding welcomes me.

But it's the overwhelming presence of Keith that grabs my attention. The faint scent of pine surrounds him, and the moment his brown eyes connect with mine, I'm lost. His voice penetrates all my barriers when he speaks.

“Taylor, nice to meet you.”

He takes my hands, and I just about swoon. Not only are they burning hot, but the heat races right to my core.Fuck me now, this guy's got sexy covered.

I blink and try to focus, because this isn't the man in my dreams, and he shouldn't be affecting me so. “Same.”

Carly says, “We'll leave you to get settled, and come on down when you're done. Matt should be here any minute.”


Matt, right. The guy I'm supposed to be here for. One glance in the mirror makes me groan. While the rain has stopped, it's humid, and my hair is a frizzy mess. Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do, because brushing it will only make it puff up more. I finger-comb it into a twist and clip it. I rummage in my bag for my scant amount of makeup.Jesus, when did I start to care about how I look?I grab some mascara and lipstick. If Matt dreams the way I do, then I don't know what I'm worried about.

Plush carpet under my feet makes my descent almost silent. When I'm at the bottom step, I hear the voice from my dreams.

My feet tap on the wood floor toward the kitchen and echo a bit in the large great room. I step into the kitchen and lock eyes with Matt. His twinkle with laughter, and his smile grows when I stop. He's attractive in a long and lean way, but he's far from small. I guess he's close to seven feet tall. My stomach flips because the attraction is definitely there for him, too. What’s with this place?