Page 513 of Love Bites

She giggles as Sierra reaches over for one too.

She knew we were coming. "You expected us?"

Her body is fidgety, and she nods her head. "I'm Annie. We've been hearing so much about you, and I can't wait to show you around."

Okay, this is freaky. "How do you know so much about me?" I turn to Sierra's motionless body.Really, girl?For once you're still?I add, "Us?"

"Oh." She points to my wrist. "The sign. Your ma–" She stops and shakes her head. "I should let Brady explain." She looks us over and purses her lips. "You look beautiful…”

Her face breaks into a grin. "Oh, hell. Let's go four-wheeling. You ladies up for an adventure?"

Sierra lets me know she's alive. "We love adventure. What do you have in mind?"

"I'm supposed to give you a tour of the farm, but hiking in the mud won't work well with your outfits." I notice she's in jeans and work boots. Annie continues. "I was about to suggest you change, but this will be more fun. You have no idea how happy I am to see girly-girls."

Her joy is infectious, and even though I'm creeped out by the fact she knows things about us when we know nothing about her, I find I'm excited about our tour.

Annie asks, "Do you have warm coats? Because I have something in the back you could wear."

Sierra says, "I'm sure we do somewhere. Should I go dig them out?"

"Oh, no. Don't go to all that trouble. Let me get you something." She disappears into the office again.

I turn to Sierra as my hands get clammy from panic. "Adventure?"

Sierra squeals. "I know! See? I knew this would be awesome."

I try to be as excited, but my cautious nature is holding me back.

Annie returns with two puffy-looking jackets. She hands the pink one to Sierra. "You can wear mine." She turns to me with a sly smile and gives me a navy-blue one. "And you can wear Brady's. He won't mind."

I slip my arms into smooth nylon. The jacket is surprisingly light. A musky scent invades my senses, and my body reacts before I realize I recognize the odor from my dreams. Every nerve ending hums, and I take a deep breath to get more.Good God!It's as if my dream guy is wrapping his arms around me.Wow.

Annie is watching me, and her smile feels intrusive, as if she can read my mind. She asks, "Comfortable?" But the way she's looking at me, I think she's really asking if I'm feeling more than just warmth.

"Yes, thanks. I'm going to have to get a coat like this. It feels like I'm wrapped in a pillow.” I pet it as if it’s a stuffed animal, and the thought of a teddy bear puts a smile on my face.

Keys jingle as Annie locks the front door and sets the time on a little clock sign that tells people when she'll return. "We'll go out the back." She leads us through the office. A shiny dark wood desk is covered with messy piles of paperwork that make me want to organize them. We don't have time to look around before she takes us outside.

A dirt road is behind the building, and it leads into the woodlands. Parked to the left is a red Hummer, and I look at Sierra. She raises her eyebrows back at me in appreciation.

She says, "Nice ride."

Annie opens the passenger door behind the driver and looks at Sierra. "Climb in."

It’s clear I'm supposed to ride in the front, so I walk to the other side. She wasn’t joking when she said “climb in” because I have to step onto a running board to get inside. Compared to my Subaru, this car is huge, and for once I fit nicely. I settle into the big seat.

Annie turns to look at both of us. "Well, ladies, are you ready to check out what could be your new home?"

New home? I should be surprised and asking a million questions. Contentment wraps around me instead, and I answer, "Let's go."