Page 506 of Love Bites


"I'mglad you didn't invite Lily to come with us," says Sierra. Her foot is on the dash, and she's painting her toenails. The distinct odor of nail polish fills the car.

"Well, we don't exactly have room. But yeah, you and I get along so well, I'd hate to ruin that." Lily handled getting a tattoo like a champ. At first quiet tears fell, but she got used to the pain and held perfectly still.

The sun is just peeking up over the horizon, and I flip my visor down. "Hey, hand me my sunglasses."

I slide them onto my face, and my eyes relax from their squint. I had another dream last night, and it was so disturbing I couldn't get back to sleep. Sierra woke up when I showered and we decided to hit the road.

She asks, "Want to talk about your dream?"

I sigh. "You might not want to hear it."

"Sure I do. Then I'll tell you about mine."

"I wasn't in the woods this time, it was a house. I was on a really big bed and felt like I was being shredded to pieces." The sky is a vibrant orange red, and I recall the saying that says “Red sun in the morning, sailor's warning.” I hope we don't have to drive in rain later.

"Blood was everywhere, and I could hear someone crying. I was scared and wanted to leave, but voices were telling me no, and hands were holding me back. When I looked at my arms they were furry like a bear and ended with claws. That's when I woke up."

"Wow, mine wasn't scary. I dreamt about rocking a baby and singing a song. It was a happy dream."

The eerie feeling of being watched makes me check my rearview mirror, but nobody is behind us on the interstate. "Lucky you. I get the feeling you're getting the better end of this deal." I joke, "I'm going to have to be brave and deal with pain while you get to babysit."

"Don't forget about the hulking-man sex. At least we both get that."

I steal a glance at Sierra and grin. "It better be worth it, but you don't think we're dreaming about sex with bears, do you?"

She says, "God, no! Those crazy shifter books are just fiction. Besides, aren’t you screwing a hot guy? With a little extra hair? And a sexy growl…" Sierra lets out a long sigh.

"Yes, it’s a guy. The animal stuff seems to be an extra thing, you know?" I snicker. "Although he is big enough to be a bear."

"Mine too, he's got a killer body that's huge." She lets out a low sound from the back of her throat. "And I mean everywhere."

I shake my head. "Yeah, there's that. I'd like those dreams back, because if our forest has big mountain men, I'll be really glad we're doing this."

We ride in silence for a while. Each mile seems to ease the gnawing of something I can’t put my finger on. My stomach rumbles, and I pay attention to road signs, looking for a rest stop. I think about another pastry meal or some greasy fast-food egg sandwich. I wish we had thought to have a decent breakfast at the diner before we left this morning. But what I really want is to make my own simple omelet and sit quietly in my pajamas.

I ask, "Any clues in your dream as to where you were?"

"Hmm. Well, I was in a rocking chair, and the room had natural walls like a log cabin. I think I smelled a woodstove too." Sierra flips up her visor because the sky has clouded over. "How about you?"

"Nope, I was in too much pain to see anything."

I glimpse Sierra looking down her shirt. "I wish this thing was a compass. Relying on my instinct to tell me we're going the right way is too iffy." She chuckles. "Especially if you look at my track record with men."

I grin. "Or mine."

"Let's promise each other we'll hook up with good guys this time around, okay?"

"Yup, big strong men that love who we are, fluff and all."

"Amen." Sierra flips on the radio. "Can we stop soon? I'm hungry."

"On it." I yawn and look forward to filling my belly and then taking a nap when Sierra drives. The miles are ticking off quickly, and everything about it seems right. My bad dream is already fading from my memory, and a smile creeps onto my face as I sing along to the song Sierra cranked up.

* * *

We manageto get a twenty-one-hour drive in before stopping in Columbus, Ohio, for the night. We could keep going, but my hands feel as if they‘re vibrating even when they aren't on the wheel. And Sierra is getting cranky. I can tell she needs sleep as badly as I do. When she finally snaps at me, I know it’s time to stop.