Page 499 of Love Bites


The needto pee is greater than the desire to keep my head absolutely still, and I stumble without light to the bathroom. Those tequila martinis didn't solve my problem, although I had fun. I'm not sure how many I drank, but a vague recollection of flirting with some guy and then telling him I was into bears plays in my head.Oh, sweet Jesus.I cringe in embarrassment. While I'm sure he didn't believe me, I hope I never see him again.

Water rushes too loudly down the toilet when I flush. The last thing I remember is Sierra helping me out of my clothes and telling me there was a bowl by my bed in case I needed to puke. Right now I wish I had as my stomach churns.

Thankful for my nightlight, I search the medicine cabinet for ibuprofen. I pinch the cap open and drop four tablets into my hand. I shove them in my mouth, and the gel coating sticks to my tongue. I guzzle metallic-flavored water out of the tap to swallow them down.

My mouth tastes like the bottom of a birdcage, and I guess I didn't brush my teeth. Opening the toothpaste tube sends the scent of mint to my nose, and my stomach revolts. I drop to my knees with a clunk that should hurt but I'm more concerned about the contents of my stomach rushing out. So much for medicating my headache.

The tile floor is cool under my bare legs when I stretch them out to lean against the wall. While my stomach is quivering, I think I'm done vomiting. Sure I need water if I'm going to make it through the night, I stand to walk to the kitchen, although the urge to crawl is tempting.

The light of the refrigerator temporarily blinds me when I reach in for the filtered water pitcher. Liquid gurgles into a glass as I pour, and I sip cautiously. The cold, clean taste soothes my parched throat. As much as I want to guzzle it down, I know better and shuffle to my couch with the cup.

I gently lay my head down on a throw pillow and close my eyes, willing my headache to subside. It doesn't take long to doze off.

A mountain stream trickles, and it sounds like thunder. A woodpecker hammers against a tree as if someone turned up the volume. Leaves rustle under my feet. The acrid musk of something attracts me. I know it's a disgusting smell, but like the odor of gasoline, I'm strangely drawn to it. It gets stronger as I approach a rock the size of a shed. My heart beats against my chest. The aroma overpowers me. What I want is behind the boulder, but I'm afraid to find it. I stop abruptly, and something bumps into me. Something big. Ice flows through my veins as I imagine long, sharp teeth, and I turn toward it.

I bolt upright on the couch, panting. The gentle breeze of the ceiling fan chills my damp skin. My head is throbbing with pain. Sipping water, I wonder if I can stomach a little food to buffer some aspirin.

I go to the kitchen for crackers and notice my phone is lit up on the counter with a text. Sierra messaged me moments ago. Another comes in.

"I'm cming w/u"

I scroll down to read the previous text.

"FML, dreamt about fking a bear"

Thank God.I'm relieved because I don't want to do this alone, and Sierra is my best friend. I pull a box of saltines down from the cabinet. Nibbling on one, I eat slowly to determine my stomach's reaction. I still feel okay, so I let my mind wander. If Sierra comes with me, we can leave sooner. Splitting the cost of gas and a place to live will help out with finances. I have a hefty savings account in place after the last time I left Tattoo Junkie knowing I might do it again.

A couple crackers in, I'm brave enough to try something for my headache. I text Sierra.


I snort, thinking maybe I'll get a bear claw.


The pink light of dawn filters in through the window. Sierra must be pretty freaked out if she's awake and on her way over. Knowing how she'll drive me crazy with her fidgeting, I'm going to suggest a walk on the beach while we talk. I'm in my room changing when Sierra knocks.

"Coming!"My headache is still in full force, and I wince.

Sierra breezes in when I open the door. "You look like hell."

"Feel like it too. You were supposed to stop me."

Plopping down on the couch with apoofshe says, "I tried, but you wouldn't have anything to do with it. You were flirting with some guy who kept buying your drinks. Until you said something that made him drop you like a hot potato."

I close my eyes as a flush creeps over my cheeks as I recall the look of horror on his face. I fall into a chair across from her. "I told him I was into bears."

Sierra chuckles. "That would do it." She sobers. "Does that mean you dream about screwing them too?"

"Kind of. I'm all worked up over a guy, but a bear is in the dream too.”

Sierra taps a fingernail against her bottom lip. "It's a message." She rubs the tattoo on her breast. "This was pulsing like a second clit or something. My guy that was suddenly a bear licked it, and I think I might have come in my dream."

"Yes, and–" My face heats up again. "Um, does it feel good when you touch it?"

Sierra's eyes widen, and she nods. Her leg is jiggling.