Page 462 of Love Bites

Then he kept talking in that sexy, assertive voice of his.

“My engine is still warm against your stomach, and someone could be watching us because we’re not so far away from the main road. That’s okay, because I don’t care who the hell sees us. I spread your legs wide and kneel down so I can run my tongue between your legs, and you like it. You’re crying out for more as I make you even wetter. Do you like that?”

“Uh huh,” I moaned and cried out all at once. My knees pulled up as I kept the fantasy alive in my head. “Don’t stop,” I said.

“Yeah, you’ll say a lot of that too. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

My breathing was out of control and warmth licked over my skin. A dull ache grew sharper with each second, swelling and tightening beneath my fingertips.Almost there. So close.

“You want me,” he said in a husky voice. “So then what?”


“Yeah? Say it,” he growled in my ear, sucking on the lobe. “Saywhat you want me to do to you next while I’m stretched across your back and widening your legs.”

Then I felt his tongue glide across my neck as his warm hand smoothed over my breast and massaged.

“You can hear my belt unbuckling and sliding out of the loops. Tell me what you want me to do to you as you hear the sound of my zipper coming undone. Can you feel that thick press between your legs? That’s how much I want you. Christ, Ineedto hear you say it. What am I going to do to you on the hood of my car, Lexi?Tell me,” he urged in his alpha voice.

Austin nipped my ear and the sweet sting of pain caused me to answer.

“You fuck me. God, Austin…fuck me!” I cried out and arched my back as he quickly placed his hand on top of mine, nuzzling against my neck.

Bursts of energy rolled through me as I came so hard my entire body tensed up. Being in heat intensified everything like I’d never experienced. I barely noticed Austin’s lips melting against my shoulder.

He twirled my nipple between his fingers and tugged, bringing another jolt of pleasure through my belly. My legs straightened out like useless timber and I panted, slowly becoming aware I’d just pleasured myself in front of Austin Cole, who was still fully clothed.

His lips kissed mine softly, in a different way than they had before. “Thank you,” he whispered.

This threw me, because it should have been me thanking him. So I played it cool. “Anytime.”

Austin laughed warmly and rolled onto his back, locking his hands behind his head. “Feel better? I have a short fridge with some food in the other room if you get hungry. You should eat before the next wave hits. The house needs work, but I got the power turned on last night. I thought we could sleep with the windows open tonight since the rain should cool things down.”

Rain? Oh yeah, that hammering noise going on outside that I hadn’t even noticed over the sound of my pounding heart. This was too weird. Here I was, coming down from the throes of a mind-blowing orgasm, and Austin was discussing the weather and the electric company. I was looking around for my shorts when he yanked me back down.

“Let me go,” I protested.

“Nope. Not letting you leave, Ladybug. If you’re chilly, you can wrap up in the sheet. But the shorts stay off for the rest of the night.”

“What about yours?” I pointed out, wrinkling my mouth.

He smirked and shifted over so he was propped up on one elbow and lying on his right side. “That’s not going to happen. You have to be careful with loaded weapons.”

I rolled my eyes. “Give me a break.”

“I’m just here to give Mother Nature a hand.”

My legs crossed at the ankle and I stared at the ceiling. “You were always so bad with jokes,” I groaned.

“Did you really like the candy or were you just being polite? Be honest; my feelings won’t be hurt and I swear I won’t be crying over a gallon of ice cream at two in the morning with Denver, talking about my feelings and shit.”

A burst of laughter flew out of my mouth and I curled on my side. Austin’s look was so serious my Beaker laugh slipped out and then he quickly kissed my neck. “There it is,” he said. “That’s the Lexi I know and love.”

My smile was erased like a mistake on a chalkboard. I sat up and covered my bare legs with the sheet. “Don’t say flippant things like that if you don’t mean them.”

An ordinary remark hit the psycho switch in my brain and turned me into one of those… sensitive girls. Normally, I just rolled with the punches and dished what I got, rarely taking what people said to heart. But for whatever reason, hearing “love” come out of his mouth in the same sentence with my name provoked a new feeling I didn’t have a grasp on.

An uncomfortable moment passed between us and vanished when thunder cracked outside and I screamed, flying against Austin’s chest. He rocked with laughter and threaded his fingers through my long, silky hair.