“Bullshit. Turn over and look at me before I tickle the crap out of you, and don’t think I won’t do it.”
He totally would. I once stole his car keys and stuffed them into my bra when I was nineteen and the designated driver. Austin had chased me to the car, which made me run even harder. I dove into the front seat knowing Austin would never dig in my bra. Instead, he pulled off my shoes and tickled my feet until I screamed bloody murder. That was the only time I’d ever seen Wes turn on Austin. He yanked him out by the collar and coldcocked him. I guess from a distance, it looked kind of bad with me on my back in the front seat screaming while Austin was holding my legs.
“Since when did you get all shy on me?” he asked, thunder rumbling in the distance.
Austin’s fingers tickled my skin as they slid down to my hips. I elbowed him away. “Don’t.”
“Then tell me what’s wrong, because you’re not going anywhere, and I sure as hell ain’t going anywhere. Whatever it is won’t leave this room. You can trust me.”
A few taps of rain touched the windows and flashes of lightning illuminated the room. “I’ve never had a man do that to me.”
The air was so quiet I actually heard the high-pitched whine of a mosquito buzzing around my ear. I waved my hand around to shoo the insect away and ended up smacking Austin in the mouth. “Oh, shit. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to do that,” I said, rolling onto my back.
He was grinning, but not because I slapped him.
Then I blushed again, and I wasn’t a big blusher, but I’d just revealed something very personal and his first reaction was to laugh? I was about to run out of the room in T-minus 3… 2…
“I’m not going to even ask why, because it doesn’t matter. I’m only going to guess the men you’ve dated didn’t know a damn thing about the most erotic thing you can experience with a woman. To run your tongue over that secret place, to slide it in and taste her as you suck and stroke her until she screams out your name.”
His fingers had wandered down between my legs while he spoke, expertly caressing me.
“I’m not one of those boys,” he said softly in my ear. “I’m a man who knows how to take a woman and give her what her body needs.” His fingers slid between my folds and by then, he knew with absolute certainty I wanted him.
“I can’t do it,” I admitted. “It’s too… I don’t know. Personal.”
“You need to let go of all your inhibitions and just feel it. Can you feel it?” He worked his fingers into my panties and made me suck in a sharp breath and hold it. “Feel it, Lexi. Before the night is over, I’m going to have your legs wrapped around my shoulders as you beg for more.” Then his moist lips touched my cheek and he whispered one hot word. “Beg.”
He knew what game we were playing.
Except I was the one who didn’t. Austin abruptly stopped and grabbed my wrist, guiding my hand down. “Finish.”
His lips met mine with a warm press and he spoke against my mouth. “I need to know how you like it so I can make this experience easier for you. If this goes on for days, then I’m not going to tease you. I’m going to make you come. Now show me how you like to be touched. Don’t be afraid to take what your body needs. Do it once and I’ll take care of you from here on out.”
That was something I’d never done in front of a man either. But not wanting to seem prudish, I played his little game and cupped myself, widening my legs so I could fall into that imaginary fantasy of mine.
The one he didn’t know about where we were having sex. The fantasy was even hotter knowing he was in the room watching me, and it didn’t take long before I closed my eyes and forgot he was there. My back arched and I suddenly felt his hands brush over my nipples. That snapped me back into reality. Austin was ruining the dream where he falls asleep beside me on the sofa and I slowly unzip his pants and pleasure him. That had been the running fantasy for the last nine years, closely followed by sex on a pool table.
“Please, Austin,” I begged again. “Make love to me.”
He laid down beside me on the left and slipped his hand beneath my shirt, pushing up my bra so he could tease me with his fingers.
“I want to do more than that, Lexi. I want to fuck you on the hood of my car.”
Okay, so I gasped a little.
“You don’t talk like that,” I said in a confused voice. Not sure why I thought Austin would be the kind for romantic words, but I’d never imagined him saying those things to me. It wasn’t just hot, butcompletelyunexpected.
“Correction. I’ve never talked toyoulike that. I might fall short in the romance department, but I more than make up for it in other ways. I want to slide my hand down your body, rip off those panties, and take you all over every inch of this house, but it doesn’t mean I don’t respect the fuck out of you,” he said, as if the last bit meant something. “So do me a favor and spread yourself over the hood of my black car, arms wide as I slide down your shortsveryslowly. All the way to your ankles.”
Tingles returned as I got the full visual of what Austin was mentally doing to me. I’d had men dirty-talk in the bedroom, but this was completely different.
“Then your panties go next, but you keep a long T-shirt on so I can just make out the cups of your fine ass. Yeah, Lexi, you have onefineass.”
My fingers were going for gold, touching all the right places as he set me on fire with his words. Every so often, I opened my eyes to discover him closely watching everything I did with my hands. The rhythmic way my fingers stroked and circled and how my other hand massaged the inside of my thigh as if it were his hand.