“No,” I almost shouted. “I’m not meeting your family. Tell me what you did with my shoes because I have to go home.”
“Home to what?”
I shoved his chest. “My baby sister, you idiot! I left her alone all night with my neighbor.”
The humor melted away from his face. “Which neighbor? I’ll bring her here. Why would you leave a child with someone who is not family?” he hissed.
“Because I was kidnapped?”
He lifted his phone and dialed a number. “It’s Church. You know the young wolf’s apartment you’re watching? Her neighbor—”
I snatched the phone and hung up. “Don’t you dare send one of your men to get my sister! You’re having me watched?” I stuffed the phone in my back pocket. “Take me home,right now,” I said in slow words.
He chewed on his lip for a moment, considering my request. “I’ve had my men on you since one of them first spotted you at the cemetery. He sensed you were a Shifter and word spreads fast when it comes to rogue females.”
That damn dog reallywasa wolf.
“Tell your friend the next time he chases me up a tree and tries to gnaw on my leg, he’s going to end up tangling with the wrong wolf. I bite back.”
Lorenzo moved forward and lowered his chin. A dark intensity flickered in his eyes. “He didwhat?”
“I guess your pack isn’t so loyal, after all. If you don’t give me my shoes, I’m walking home barefoot.”
“Then you’ll end up hiking over sticks, and I won’t have that. If you insist, I will see that you’re safely escorted home. But you will not be permitted to leave my house until you are well fed. There is breakfast on the tray. Use my phone to make any calls you need to.” Lorenzo made no attempt to brush away the long strands of hair that fell in front of his right eye. “My home is always open to you,” he said, inching closer so that our bodies bounced heat off each other. His mouth brushed against my ear. “And my bed is still open whenever your legs are open, my sweet Nashoba.”
I drew in a sharp intake of air and stumbled back before he got me worked up again. There was no doubt that alphas had an undeniable magnetism that lured you under their spell.
I reached behind me, grabbed a croissant, and stuffed it into my mouth.
Lorenzo laughed heartily and cupped his hand against my cheek, patting lightly. “You are a wild little wolf. I think your spirit is what attracts me to you. Have all you want, and if there is anything you desire, let me know and I’ll get it for you. When you are ready to go, I’ll be downstairs.”
Clever man. He brought me here to dazzle me with the luxuries he could offer. Money, a huge bathroom, and croissants. He seriously didn’t know what kind of girl I was.
Although, the croissantswerescrumptious. They had a flaky consistency with a sweet glaze, and…
“Alexia, I do hope you change your mind and consider joining my pack. You don’t officially belong to anyone yet, so you are your own woman. Make the right decision. Cole lives in a shed and can offer you nothing.” He slowly threaded his hair away from his face, steadily watching me. “I take very good care of my own.”
I dropped the croissant on the plate and wiped the crumbs on my pants. “So tell me why you were trying to buy my junky old car?” I asked with a mouthful of pastry.
He lowered his head and crossed his arms. “To meet you. After my man spotted you, we tracked down your plates to find out who you were. We know all the Shifters in the area, and someone new stands out. I have a man who does thorough background checks, and your name showed up in the newspaper database online. You shouldn’t put your full name in the paper like that.”
“So I’ve been told,” I said, licking my thumb.
It was difficult to hate Lorenzo, even though I gave it my best effort. He didn’t go about any of this the right way, but deep down I could sense decency. He just had a serious issue with wanting to possess things. I didn’t have a desire to be possessed by any man, only loved.
After Lorenzo left the room, the first person I called was Naya, who chewed my ear off. She had taken the night off to babysit Maizy. They’d made mini-burgers and sweet-potato fries for dinner before having aCinderellamovie party in the living room. I loved Naya to death. I just didn’t care much for her psychotic cat. Since she had to go to work that evening, I promised I’d be over as soon as possible to pick up my Maizy.
Then the dreaded call to Austin. Maybe what Lorenzo said stuck in my head, but I was mad at Austin. But not as mad ashewas when I used Lorenzo’s phone to call him and it showed up on the caller ID.
“Where did you go?” I asked, pacing around in the room and glancing out the window at a clearing in the woods.
“I’m coming to get you.”
“He’s having someone drive me; it’ll be quicker this way. I need to get Maizy.”
“Denver is on his way to pick her up now.”
Austin sighed. “We found your mother.”
My stomach did a somersault and I sank into a brown chair. “Is she okay? Oh God, please tell me she’s okay.”
“She’s fine. We brought her to the house and I’m not letting her go home.”
“Why not?”
He paused and I could hear him rubbing his jaw. “Your father got away. He’s clever; knows a lot about the Breed and how to evade us. Even has the right kinds of sprays to throw off his scent from trackers. We’ll talk about it when you get home. Your mom was… not happy to see me.”
“I’ll be there as soon as I can.”