Page 428 of Love Bites



Cold tile numbed my ass and when my surroundings became clear, I was sitting in the center of Ivan’s bathroom with a black robe draped over my back.

“Jesus, Lexi,” I heard Austin gripe. “Feeling better?”

The door was closed and he was sitting on the toilet with the lid down. I tightened the front of the robe and glanced around at a torn curtain, bottles strewn across the floor and bathtub, a flipped over bathmat, and tiny blood spatters across the mirror, cabinet, and floor.

“What happened?”

He sighed. “I’m not letting you out of my sight. If you gotta pee again, I’m going with you.”

“Over my dead body. Where did those guys go?”

Austin straightened up and stretched out his legs, crossing them at the ankle. “Two of them are shifting to heal; I’ve never seen anything like it. A female taking down three men—that’s just fucking wild,” he almost said to himself. “Your wolf can hold her own, that’s for sure.” Then his chuckle evolved into a laugh. “One of them came running out with shampoo in his eyes and the ass-end of his jeans hanging open like a flap.” He palmed away the tears and I sat up, staring at my clothes piled on the floor.

“You have a twisted sense of humor, Austin Cole. Get out so I can get dressed. God, this is so embarrassing.”

Embarrassing because I felt no fear. Nor was there a sense I’d been a victim in this situation. In fact, I felt a lot like a prizefighter might after a boxing match. I had no idea what had happened, but my wolf was strutting her stuff and trotting around like nobody’s business.

After I put my clothes back on and brushed off the fur and blood, I rejoined the merry little group in the study. Ivan folded his arms, unable to look away from the drop of blood on my white sneaker.

“This is why you’re taking my daughter,” he said to Austin without lifting his eyes. “If your boys ever try something like that, I’m going to know about it. You hear?”

“Why don’t you think about it before—”

“You backin’ out on me? I’ll back out on you,” he threatened. “Think about it, Cole. I got men in five states who can solve your problems. They got connections in law enforcement and work directly with some of our own internal organizations. We can track a flea in a desert. What do you want me to do with the man who took her?”

It was the kind of question that suggested he had a few things in mind involving cattle prods.

“Austin, no,” I whispered, tugging at his faded red shirt.

“Bring him to us.”

“Unharmed,” I cut in. Austin gave me a sideways glance. “He might be an asshole, but he’s still my dad.”

“Tough girl you got there, Cole. Feel like doing some trading?”

“I’m not a baseball card,” I barked out.

Ivan shook with laughter and released a snarly snort at the end. “I like her. If you change your mind, give me a ring. I got a few bitches you can choose from, unless you want cash.”

“She’s not part of the deal,” he said in slow, threatening words. When he took a step forward, I had to pull him back by the waistband of his jeans. His shoulders were stiff, his back straight, and his jaw was clenched so tightly it created a sharp shadow along his unshaven cheek.

“Fair enough,” Ivan said. “I’ll give you a ring tonight and I should have them in your custody in no more than forty-eight hours. How’s that sound?”

“Like a deal.”

They didn’t shake on it. In fact, I had yet to see a Shifter shake hands.

Ivan patted Austin on the shoulder and led us to the door. Austin held my hand, except now I looked like a hot mess with my hair in tangles. One of the men in the room flew down the hall and slammed a door so hard a picture fell off the wall.

“She’s in the car,” Ivan said in a private voice. “Didn’t want to make a production out of it because some of the men have had their eye on her. She’s a good girl, Austin. But she has an effect like poison in this house because of her beauty. I’ll be in touch to make sure you’re looking after her.”

We reached the car and a young woman peered through the window from the back seat. She appeared to be a little bit younger than me, but not by much. Her hair was pulled back in an untidy braid that fell past her shoulders. It was a beautiful shade of mahogany with a few faded highlights. Her lashes were dark, a soft glow warmed her skin, and she wore a long brown dress that tied around her neck. Very earthy, and Ivan was spot-on about her being beautiful.

“Hi,” I greeted her, sliding into the front seat. I twisted around and she didn’t lift her eyes. “I’m Lexi. This is weird and I’m sure you’re as freaked out as I am about it,” I babbled as Austin walked around the front of the car, glaring through the windshield. “Austin’s not a bad guy and… Good God, this isawkward. What’s your name?”