Page 296 of Love Bites

“Harvey,” I lied.

That made him laugh. “IsHarveyjealous?”

Being eaten alive by it. “Yes.”

“He’s not alone.”

It was those kinds of comments from him that left me spinning long after the merry-go-round stopped, but I didn’t want to talk about Natalie and Doc, anymore. I had enough heartburn for now. “What do you do for a living, Doc?”

“Make an appointment with me and you’ll see.”

“I tried that route already and got booted because of a dead person.”

“You were the one looking at me like I had antennas growing out of my head.”

“Well, it’s not every day that a client informs me he just shook hands with a house’s dead owner.”

“I’m back to being just your client, huh?”

“Client, friend, psychic. You choose the title.” I wantedlovereven though I shouldn’t, but Doc’s wall was back between us after yesterday’s hiatus.

“Are you going to see your secret admirer again?”

“Undoubtedly.” Most likely, he’d be sitting at my desk in my chair if Doc wouldn’t put an offer on Mona’s gem. “Are you going to sleep with my best friend?”

Whoa! I hadn’t planned to go there, but I was having control issues today—as in a lack of it.

His grin grew wider. “I haven’t worked out any details.”

I sat back, his answer a burr in my butt. “Try not to hurt her.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?” I was already hurting.

“Are you going to have sex with Wolfgang tonight?” His question sounded bored, but his stare stole my breath.

I wanted to sound all cool and Fonzie-like about casual sex, but I settled for honesty. “No.”

“Why not?”

“Contrary to what the men in this town think of me, I don’t just hop into bed with anyone who buys me something to eat.”


“Although I’m weak around hot fudge and whipped cream.”

“I’ll remember that,” he said, then his grin disappeared. His eyes took on the haunted look I’d seen for the first time yesterday. “Violet, be careful in that house.”

I tried to laugh off his warning, but I was all off-key. “Because an old woman who died a decade ago told you she doesn’t like my company?” Hell, those damned clowns gave me worse nightmares.

“Something like that.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m still working out the details.”

Details he thought he’d find in the books in front of him? As far as I was concerned, the only importantdetailwas that I had a rundown house to hurry up and sell. “Doc, I don’t believe in ghosts.”

His smirk didn’t match the intensity in his dark eyes. “Well, I do. And this one is very pissed off about being dead.”