Page 274 of Love Bites

“I need to get going,” Doc said, digging into his pocket and coming out with car keys. “See you later, Squirt,” he said, winking at Addy, like he had at me not five minutes ago, but without the heat.

Her dimples appeared again. “Bye, Doc. Will you sign my cast later?”

“You bet, kid.”

Relief and disappointment churned in my gut. While having both Doc and Wolfgang in the same room made me feel like I was juggling lit torches, I didn’t want Doc to leave.

I grabbed Doc’s arm as he passed in front of me. “Thanks for your help today.”

His grin flashed so fast I would have missed it if I’d blinked. “Anything for afriend, Violet.”

I watched his broad shoulders as he strode away, my teeth gnashing at the frosty edge in his tone. What was that supposed to mean? He’s the one who’d laid down the no-sex law.

“Addy,” Wolfgang said from behind me. “How about you and your friend join me for a tour of the gift shop’s candy rack?”

“Can I, Mom?”

I turned, smiling for everyone’s benefit when what I really wanted to do was lie on the floor, kick my feet, and scream for five minutes. “Sure, but only one piece of candy this time—and a milk carton of Whoppers does not count as one item, Adelynn.”

Wolfgang and the two girls strolled off down the hall that led to the gift store. I sighed, dropping into my chair.

“Well,” Harvey said, mirth in his voice. “That was fun.”

“How do you know Wolfgang Hessler?” Jeff asked me, his eyes narrowed with a hint of suspicion.

“He’s a client,” I said, then added, “and a friend.”

“Really?” Jeff rested his elbows on his knees.

I frowned at the leer in his tone. “Yes.”

“Well then, Violet Parker,” Jeff said in a hushed voice that had Harvey and I both leaning forward to hear it. “I’m already a client, so how do I get to be one of your so-called …” he made quotation marks in the air with his fingers, “friends?”

The glint in his eyes as his gaze traveled down my throat and lingered on the top button of my blouse made me cross my arms over my chest.

“And do you charge your clients by the hour or by the job?”

Harvey’s bark of laughter echoed through the room.