Page 272 of Love Bites

Doc obliged, stretching his long legs out in front of him. “How did you know where the girls were?” he asked Jeff as he draped his arm over the back of my chair.

Good question. One that might have popped into my brain had I not been so busy trying to figure out if Doc’s hand had just brushed my ribcage on purpose.


“Whew!” Harvey ambled into our corner of the waiting room, wiping his hands on his jeans. “My prostate must be as big as a grapefruit today.”

I winced. I was quickly learning that there seemed to be no topic off-limits in Harvey’s repertoire.

“What’s a prostate?” Addy asked.

“It’s a saloon girl who likes to sleep with dirty boys,” Kelly answered, her tone factual.

Jeff grinned. Doc chuckled, his hand skimming my ribs again.

“No, that’s a prostitute,” Harvey clarified.

“The prostate is a gland, Sweetheart,” I answered, trying to figure out how to keep this conversation from plunging into a squirming pool of discomfort. In my family, there were three topics we didn’t explore in mixed company—religion, politics, and bodily functions. “It’s nothing important, Adelynn,” I added, using my motherly, end-of-discussion tone.

Harvey grunted. “It is when you’re my age.”

“What does it do?” Addy pressed, avoiding my glare.

“Makes it hard to take a piss.”

Splash!I squirmed in my chair, bumping into Doc’s hand, and kept my focus fixed on Harvey.

“Howdy, Jeff,” Harvey plopped into the seat next to Jeff, his blue eyes moving from me to Doc and back to me, his lips forming into a know-it-all grin.

I shot him a scowl, but my neck roasted, anyway.

“Hey, Harvey,” Jeff nodded at the big-mouthed old bird. “How’s life treating you?”

“Viagra is a wonderful drug.”

That said it all. My blush climbed to my cheeks as I wriggled in my seat again.

Doc’s fingers strummed my ribcage.

I stilled as my body tightened, inside and out. Turning, I met his dark brown eyes. He winked and strummed again, this time slower, his fingertips lingering on each rib.

Such a small touch, no more than a leisurely sweep really. Yet a shudder registering around magnitude eight on the Richter scale rumbled along my nerves, which were still recovering from the side effects of hours of adrenaline rush. Did he have any clue how aware I was of every breath he took at this moment?

“Mom?” Addy’s voice yanked me back to the ER waiting room.

I tore my gaze from Doc’s. “Yeah, sweetie?”

Addy pointed at the doorway. “Look who’s here.”

Following her finger, I gasped at the site of Wolfgang standing there, smiling at me with those dazzling white teeth. With his indigo blue camp shirt unbuttoned at the neck, his faded jeans hugging his form, and his hair looking like he’d combed it with his fingers, he could have been the newest cover model for a Stetson cologne ad.

I groaned inwardly. I’d forgotten about our date.

I met him halfway across the room. “I’m so sorry, I—”

He took me in his arms and dropped a quick kiss on my lips, surprising me into silence. I’d forgotten that we’d made it to the kissing-cousin level in our relationship.

“Don’t worry about it.” He said, stepping back. The spicy aroma of his aftershave lingered around my head. “Your aunt explained everything to me. I’m just glad to hear Addy is okay.”