Page 233 of Love Bites

“Nice to meet you both.” Donna waved and then turned and shut the door. In the still air, I heard the deadbolt clunk.

Harvey looked at me over the Bronco’s hood. “What happened in there? You looked like somebody pinched your tail feathers when you came out of the bathroom.”

I waited until we were both inside the Bronco and I’d started the engine before answering. “I found a bouquet of flowers in the trash.”


“From the same florist as the ones sent to me, purple envelope and all.”


“It creeped me out. Makes me wonder if Jeff Wymonds is sending me flowers for some reason.” The memory of Jeff’s face pressed against the screen door, staring and sneering as he said my full name, made me shudder as I backed onto the street. My tires chirped on the pavement as we sped away.

“If flowers made you act like that,” Harvey said, “maybe you should pull over for a second.”

I glanced at Harvey. “Why? What do you mean?”

“I saw a poster board in Donna and Jeff’s bedroom.”

“When did you have time to go in their bedroom?” How long was I in the bathroom?

“They don’t call me ‘Mongoose’ at the senior center for nothing,” Harvey answered, grinning with pride. “Anyway, the poster was covered with pictures of all three missing girls.”

I swerved into Deadwood Dan’s Spuds and Suds gravel parking lot and hit the brakes. A dust cloud swarmed around us. “Really? Are you positive?”

“Sure am. They were the pictures from those Missing Girl flyers. Probably cut from them. There were several cutouts of each girl.”

Goose bumps speckled my arms. “Jesus. That’s weird.”

“Oh, that’s chicken feed, darlin’. Here’s the gut-kicker,” he paused and squeezed my shoulder. “A picture of Addy was on there, too.”