He grinned. Not the response I’d expected.
“It might take until the end of August before I get everything approved.”
His smile widened.
I was speaking English, right? “Why do you look happy about this?”
“It means I’m stuck here in Deadwood longer.”
“With you as my Realtor.”
“Yes.” Well, maybe. That depended on Doc, my only buyer.
“I can think of worse fates.”
Easy for him to say. He wasn’t single and supporting two children in need of new school clothes.
“Unless you are willing to consider selling your house as-is.” I crossed my fingers behind his back.
If he took the bait, I could plant a For Sale sign in his yard tomorrow and send out word that there was a hell of a deal available in the Presidential district. If Wolfgang let me price it low enough, I might be able to attract other Realtors looking to flip the house in addition to regular buyers.
“As-is?” He frowned at me for several seconds.
I held my breath and hoped for an answer that could help save my job.
“No, I can wait longer.” He pulled me close again, resting his jaw against my forehead. “It allows me more time to get to know you.”
I groaned inwardly, wishing I was at home on the couch in my sweats with a gallon of peanut butter fudge ice cream in hand and Elvis’Viva Las Vegason the boob tube. The hot and horny rumblings I’d felt earlier were now stilled by reality’s cold, clammy grip.
My toes ached in my stilettos by the time the song finally came to an end. Wolfgang led me back to our table, where I dropped into my seat.
“Are you interested in anything else to drink?” The waiter asked as he made his rounds.
Wolfgang looked at me with raised brows.
Getting stone drunk sounded perfect right about now, but I shook my head and tried to hide my worries behind a fake grin. “No, thanks.”
“Just the check, please.” Wolfgang turned to me after the waiter left. “What’s the plan now that remodeling has been placed on hold until the paperwork game plays out?”
“Well, the commission’s rules apply only to the outside, so I think we should get started on cleaning up the inside.”
“Sounds good. Mother will hate the idea of strangers in her house.”
“Will?” I pointed out his slip of the tongue with a smile to soften it.
He waved off my question. “Sometimes it seems like she’s still hanging around, cooking sauerkraut, telling me to mow the lawn. She was never the warm, loving type, but I certainly miss her apple strudel.”
Not sure if I should dwell on the emotional moment or continue with business, I chose the most comfortable option. “I’ll wait until the house is empty before hiring a cleaner.”
Maybe Margo could fit me into her cleaning schedule now that I had a month with which to play. I’d have to give her a call tomorrow.
I tossed back the last of my water as Wolfgang paid for dinner, my stomach fluttery at the thought of a possible goodnight kiss. I should have listened to Addy and packed my toothbrush along, but I’d been too pissed at her for her part in snagging my green dress to even glance her way before we left.
As Wolfgang and I stood to leave, I gazed across the room at Ray and his nephew, whose back was to me. Was I willing to exchange sex for my job tonight? It was just bodily fluids, right? No kissing, no fondling, just in and out—literally. I could close my eyes, pretend I was with Wolfgang, maybe Doc. The old “take one for the team” mantra. How tough could it be?
Ray looked up and caught my stare. He blew me a kiss.