Page 192 of Love Bites

“These are my kids, Addy and Layne.”

He held out his hand to Layne, “Nice to meet you.”

Layne hesitated, casting a glance my way. Upon my nod, he shook Wolfgang’s hand.

“Wow, that’s a strong grip.” Wolfgang turned to Addy and squatted down to her level. “I bet you’re the older twin.”

Addy’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

“It’s written on your face.”

I mentally rolled my eyes. Addy would be spending even more time in front of the mirror now.

“Is your name really Wolfgang?” Layne asked, emphasizing the ‘wolf’ part. He grunted as Addy elbowed him.

Wolfgang nodded. “Sure is.”

I stepped between the kids as Layne made to hit Addy back. “Wolfgang used to live here, guys. That’s probably his train.”

“What train?” Wolfgang asked, still eye level with the kids.

Layne held out the rusted toy.

“Layne and I found it.” Addy lifted her chin, using her more serious, older-sister tone. “Is it yours?”

Wolfgang looked at it. “Hmmm, I don’t think so.”

“Can I keep it, then?” Layne’s palm closed around the train, already taking ownership.

“Layne,” I said, reprimanding. “You don’t—”

“Sure, consider it yours.” Wolfgang stood and glanced down at my hand. “What did you find?”

I’d forgotten about the bird. “We were searching for its nest, but not having much luck.”

Wolfgang’s forehead creased slightly. “We could make a nest for now and stick it up high, out of reach of predators. If its parents are nearby, they’ll hear it crying.”

The round-eyed look Addy bestowed upon Wolfgang mirrored one of those crazed, poodle-skirted Elvis fans of the late ‘50s. I couldn’t blame her. The way he was warming up to my twins had my bobby socks in a twist, too.

“Violet?” Natalie rounded the back corner. “We have a little prob—” She noticed Wolfgang and her eyes practically bugged out of their sockets. She recovered in a blink, her lips curving into her trademark sex-kitten grin. “Well, well, well. Wolfgang Hessler, you’ve grown up.”

Wolfgang’s gaze zeroed in on Natalie’s mouth before lifting to her eyes. “Do I know you?”

Somehow, Natalie made slipping off her leather gloves an art akin to pole dancing. “Sixth period, study hall, your senior year. I was the freshman who sat in front of you.”

“Ah, yes, your hair was shorter then.” Wolfgang rubbed his smooth-shaven jaw. “Natalie something.”

“Beals.” Natalie held out her hand to shake. “You were a lot thinner back then.”

Wolfgang shook it. “And you weren’t quite as curvy.”

The jealousy bug nibbled on my ass. I shot Natalie a glare. “Nat, did you take a look under the back porch?”

Natalie shook her head, her eyes still gobbling up Wolfgang’s gorgeous face, her hand still gripping his.

“Well, then, maybe you need to go check for termites and remember your sabbatical vow.”

The word “sabbatical” made her recoil. She sighed and let go of his hand. “Damn, I sure picked a bad time to quit men.”