Page 155 of Love Bites


The sun was high in the sky by the time we made our way through the labyrinth and back toward the school.

Luke was on my left, holding my hand with a casual possessiveness that made me want to drag him right back to bed instead of back to school.

Luke had made some calls before we left, so we had some company.

A giant of a man called Reed walked on my right. He was big and burly with a playful twinkle in his eye. I liked him right away. Luke had referred to him as his brother, but I knew their brotherhood had been forged by battle, not by blood.

Behind us, a contingent of other guardians followed. I knew that some were reluctant, and some were glad to be with us. And I was impressed that they all obviously respected the decision they had come to after they had voted on it this afternoon.

When we emerged from the maze, it seemed liked the entire school had gathered in the courtyard. Headmistress Hart was addressing them. The tone of her voice, low and urgent, carried across the cobblestones of the courtyard, though I couldn’t make out her words.

I could see Lark, Cori, Anya and Kendall standing together in a group. They had spotted me and were whispering like crazy.

Headmistress Hart turned and did a sort of double take when she saw us. She shook her head once and then began striding over, her cloak and gown billowing out behind her in the afternoon breeze.

Suddenly, my friends were heading our way too, running at top speed.

Luke growled under his breath and I realized it was a protective instinct.

“They’re my friends,” I whispered to him.

Kendall reached me first, her long blonde ponytail whipping. She wrapped her arms around me.

I was a little shocked that she had apparently missed me so much. We weren’t really great friends. At all. And I wasn’t overly fond of her other friend group.

“Do you have that godforsaken book?” she hissed into my ear. “Give it to menowif you do so I can put it back before Hart catches you with it. Cori and Anya have beensickover this.”

Quick as a thought, I slid the book out of my gown and handed it over.

Kendall pocketed it, and then jogged back toward the school as if she was just happy that her friend was okay.

Cori, Anya and Lark arrived just as Kendall was leaving. They were all smiles and questioning glances.

Well, Anya and Lark were all smiles and questioning glances.

Cori had frozen in place and was staring at Reed, as if she were transfixed.

Reed stood as still as she did, his eyes smoldering as he observed my sweet friend.

“Girls, go back with the others,” Headmistress Hart called out.

They scattered, though Anya had to half-drag Cori away.

“Lord Protector,” Headmistress Hart said as she approached. “You are refusing the bond with my student?”

“Quite the opposite,” Luke said sternly.

“I don’t understand,” the headmistress said, looking back and forth between us. “Why are you returning her?”

“I have claimed her,” Luke said, causing the blood to rush to my cheeks. “The bond is sealed. But the terms of our agreement have been modified.”

“I have not agreed to modify any terms,” Hart said.

“You’ll agree to this one,” Luke told her plainly. “Bella is to continue her studies. She is to have her freedom.”

Hart’s eyes went wide, and she glanced over at me.