My body slid against Luke’s under the warm water and I wanted to close my eyes and soak in all the sensations.
But I forced myself to lock eyes with him, the man I loved and wanted. I needed to see his emotions and be sure mine were bared to him too.
“Bella,” he sighed. The sound was a song to my ears.
I placed my hand on his chest, felt his heartbeat throb under my palm, a sense of reassurance pouring over me.
Things were about to change in my world, a lot.
But this was never going to change. This was the high I had been chasing, the sense of home - all beating like a drum in this man’s chest.
Not a spell. Just love. Stronger than any magic I would ever learn, even from the greatest teachers.
He lifted my hand to his mouth, kissed my palm, and I could feel it between my legs.
I moaned lightly and his eyes flashed up to mine again.
He lifted me effortlessly onto my knees and bent to lick one nipple into his mouth.
A flicker of electricity went through me and I let my head fall back as he cupped the other in his hand, mimicking the motions of his mouth, driving me wild.
His other hand slid down my belly and pressed my thighs wide.
I was whimpering before he even touched me and crying out the instant his fingers toyed with me, teasing me until I was half mad with desire.
He growled against my breast and suddenly he was lifting me up, stepping out of the bath, water running off us as he stormed to the bed and laid me down.
He paused for a moment, gazing down at me, his eyes on fire with lust.
“Luke, please,” I murmured, opening my arms to him.
He crawled onto the bed, but stopped between my thighs.
“I can’t,” I moaned.
“You can,” he smiled and buried his face in my sex.
Longing nearly lifted me out of my body. Every stroke of his tongue sent me flying halfway to paradise, but he never allowed me to climax.
On and on he lapped and flicked, stopping each time I was trembling on the precipice.
“Please,” I begged.
His movements ceased instantly. Then he was crawling up to cage my face in his arms.
“Will you accept me as your mate, Bella?”
“Yes,” I whispered.
“Forever?” he asked. “This can’t be undone.”
“Forever,” I said.
He kissed me then, his mouth still glistening from my juices.
I kissed him back, surprised to find that I didn’t mind the taste. But nothing he ever did could be wrong. He was my mate already, what came next was a formality. I already knew I was his. I had been from the start.