“That was the real problem with the demon horde,” she said. “The parents just wouldn’t deal with their children.”

“I think that’s just terrible,” he said.

When they got back to the house, she took him upstairs and had him help her hang the curtains. “I can’t reach that high and would have to stand on a chair. You can do it without shoes on. It only makes sense for you to do it!”

Patrick chuckled. “I should have asked for a wife who was too big to fit in my pocket…”

She laughed. “I don’t think you want anyone else, but feel free to tell me if I’m wrong.” Heather moved close to him and pulled his head down for a kiss.

“Oh, you’re not wrong.” His grin made her feel all warm inside.

Sally called from downstairs. “If you two are done canoodling up there, I think you should come down and eat supper!”

Patrick laughed, resting his forehead against hers. “I think maybe I should send my ma to stay with someone. You know anyone needing a ma back east?”

“I don’t…” They went downstairs to find that Sally had cooked her usual mountain of food. “I would have helped with the cooking,” Heather told Sally.

“I know. I thought you two needed a little break in the middle of the day to, well… you know.” Sally winked at them.

Patrick shook his head and went to the table while Heather quickly helped carry the food into the dining room. “I promise, you’ll get those grandbabies, but I think we’ll have to stop trying to make them if you keep talking about them,” Heather said.

“Now you wouldn’t do that to me! You know I’m living only to hold my sweet grandbaby in my arms.” Sally studied Heather for a moment. “I hope you can make milk.”

Heather just smiled. “I’m sure I can.”

After supper, Heather sat down and wrote a letter to her mother.

Dear Mother,

I’m married and doing well. I was a mail-order bride to a wonderful man in the new state of Idaho. I’m quite happy here, and I live with him and my new mother-in-law, Sally.

I hope you are getting out and seeing people as well as taking care of everything you need to do around the house. I know you’re capable, but I also know you needed a push to do it.

I do miss you, but I love my new life, and I pray that Patrick and I will have a child soon. I’ve enclosed our address if you would like to start a correspondence. I would dearly love to let you know what is happening in my life from time to time. I’ve never wanted a life that you weren’t a part of.



She read over the letter once more before sealing it and setting it aside to go to the mercantile in town the following day. “We’re going to town tomorrow,” Heather said to Sally. “Patrick thinks we need more bacon.”

“Wealwaysneed more bacon. It’s part of being the people who cook for a strong man like Patrick.” Sally smiled at her son. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep cooking for you.”

“I wasn’t worried,” Patrick said with a smile at his mother.

“I think I’m going to go and look at my garden,” Sally said. “I need to see what work Heather and I will need to do with it this week.”

Heather smiled. “I love having a kitchen garden, where I can plant whatever I want and harvest all summer long. Canning together will be fun this year.”

Sally nodded, putting her hand on Heather’s shoulder on her way out of the room. “I do appreciate the extra set of hands helping me every day. Of course, I’ll appreciate the babies even more.”

As soon as she was out of the house, she looked at Patrick, who was readingThe Time Machine. “She’s never going to quit, is she?”

He raised an eyebrow. “You thought otherwise?”

“I did. I don’t know why I did, but I did. I guess I just didn’t realize how determined she is to throw propriety out the window and talk of things that shouldn’t be spoken of.” Heather sighed. “I like her, but I do hope she stops soon. Maybe once she has a grandbaby, she’ll let us carry on making the others as we want to.”

He chuckled. “I’m surprised she isn’t already tracking your cycles, so she’ll be the first to know when we are expecting.”