Chapter Two

Mr. Tandy drove Heather home so he would know exactly how to get to the farm she shared with her mother. Heather thanked him and jumped down from over the wagon wheel. She knew it wasn’t ladylike, but the less time he spent in their yard, the less chance her mother would see him.

She hurried into the house and immediately started making lunch for her and her mother. Their only farmhand had left the milk and eggs on the worktable for her, so she put the milk into the icebox and left the eggs out.

When she was finished making sandwiches for herself and her mother with the bread left from the previous day, she called her mother into the kitchen to eat with her. “Mother, I have our lunch ready.”

Her mother came out of her room, moving slowly. “Where have you been? I called and called for you, and you weren’t here!”

“I told you last night I needed to do some shopping this morning. Remember?”

Her mother sighed dramatically. “I suppose I do. But where did you put my breakfast?”

“I put it on the stove, just like I told you I would. It’s gone. You must have eaten it.”

“All I’ve had were two cold pieces of toast.”

Heather smiled sweetly. “Then you did find your breakfast.” She pulled out her chair and sat down, waiting for her mother to sit before praying over the meal.

Mother looked at the sandwich sadly. “I don’t like cold lunches.”

Heather took a deep breath before taking a large bite of her sandwich. She chewed slowly and after swallowing, she said, “But mother, I went into town. There was no time to make something elaborate. For supper we’ll have what’s left of the soup from last night.”

“I don’t want invalid food!”

“I don’t want to fix anything that will hurt you,” Heather said. “If you’re sick, you need foods that will fortify you, but not weigh too heavily on you.”

“What did you buy in town?” her mother asked.

“Some fabric for a new dress, and I got rice, beans, and more flour.”

“Why do you need a new dress?” her mother asked, looking a bit panicked. “The dresses you have are perfectly acceptable.”

“They’re acceptable if all I do is sit at home,” Heather agreed. “I think I’m going to start attending church again this Sunday. I’ve so missed worshipping with others.” She hoped to not be there on Sunday, but it was much easier if she didn’t tell her mother that. She didn’t even think Heather should have a new dress.

“But who will take care of me?”

“Mother, I left you alone for a few hours this morning. That’s how long I’ll leave you alone on Sunday. You’re going to be just fine.” Heather didn’t even consider changing her mind and not becoming a mail-order bride. If it didn’t work out with Patrick, there would be someone else. Staying with her mother was no longer an option.

“But we’re still going to grow old together, right?”

Heather knew her mother wasn’t much over forty years old. She’d been a very young bride and had always talked about her and Heather growing old together. Heather simply smiled. The question didn’t deserve an answer.

Heather finished her meal and went to the sink to pump some water to wash the few dishes with. “We should go for a walk this afternoon, Mother.”

Her mother gasped as if she’d been struck. “You know I’m not up for that. A walk could kill me!”

“All right. But I may go myself. I miss the sunshine. The only time I’m outside is if I walk to town or when I do laundry. That’s not enough.” She washed everything quickly, wiped the dishes, and put them away.

“I need you here with me.”

Heather looked at her mother. “What do you need me to do for you?”

Her mother looked satisfied that they were thinking the same way again. “I need you to read to me.”

“You can read to yourself.” Heather walked to her mother. “Come along. I’m sure you need to get back to bed. I’ll leave the Bible on the table beside your bed, and you can read all you want.”

Her mother walked very slowly toward her bedroom, clutching her head. “Oh, no. I have a headache. You must stay with me.”