Page 18 of Mail Order Malarkey

Cassandra looked at Mrs. Royal. “No, that was you.”

“But I used Cameron’s money, so it was really him.”

Laughing and shaking her head, Cassandra said, “You really do like to have things your own way, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do! Who doesn’t?”

After all the games, three men took their positions in a gazebo there on the church lawn. Each held a different instrument. There was a guitar, a harmonica, and a fiddle.

As the music started, Cameron magically appeared in front of Cassandra, holding out a hand for her. “I missed having you cheer for me during the other competitions,” he said softly.

“I think I was a little too enthusiastic the first time, and I didn’t want to get a bad reputation.”

“I suppose you’re right. Of course, you could marry me before we leave today, and then no one would think a thing of it.”

“Your mother said the exact same thing.” It was odd how much the two of them seemed to think alike. Cassandra went into Cameron’s arms, and she trampled his feet like she was a herd of buffalo, and he was a patch of grass.

As they danced, he didn’t talk much, because he was afraid it would be detrimental to his well-being. He supposed he shouldn’t keep dancing with her, but having her in his arms…well, it was the best part of his favorite day of the whole year.

After their dance, Wade came and took her hand for the second dance. As soon as he took her into his arms, Cassandra knew. She had no feelings for Wade. When he touched her, her stomach didn’t feel as if there was a tornado inside trying to get out. She didn’t feel weak in the knees. Wade made her feel nothing, and Cameron made her feel…well, things an unmarried young lady shouldn’t be feeling.

She trampled Wade’s feet as badly as she had Cameron’s, and he only winced twice from the pain she caused. Afterward, she said, “Could we walk? I want to say something.”

“Yes, of course.”

“Cameron apologized for the way he treated me when we spent time together this morning, and he asked me if he could court me. When I agreed, I was planning to let him court me until the end of the month, but…I realized when you held me that I don’t feel the same way for both of you.”

Wade sighed. “You have feelings for him, and not for me.”

“I’m so sorry. I would rather have feelings for you because you’re kinder. But…I can’t change the way I feel.”

“No, I don’t suppose you can. Will you marry him?”

She nodded. “I will. I’ll probably go tell him now. But I still want to teach you to read if you’ll let me.”

He looked reluctant for a moment, but then he said. “I’d like that a lot. Especially since it will probably annoy Cameron.”

She laughed. “That’s the spirit!”

“I wish things were different, but I’m glad you told me as soon as you realized.”

“So am I. I could never lead you on and make you feel like you have a chance when you don’t.”

“Let’s go back. I’ll be there after supper tomorrow for my reading lesson.”

“I’d like that!” Cassandra really did like the idea of teaching him to read. She liked the idea of making a difference, and it felt like teaching even one person to read might touch many lives. If he could read, then he could read to his future children and teach them. So many worlds opened up when you could read.

When they got back to the others, Cassandra spotted a crate just behind Cameron. “Oh, there are kittens!” She hurried over and picked one of them up, choosing the tortoise shell over the others, and rubbing its cheek with her own before snuggling it under her chin. Turning, she looked at Mrs. Royal. “I’ve always wanted a kitten, but they made my mother sneeze.”

Mrs. Royal smiled. “I adore kittens as well. The only person I know who doesn’t like them is my grumpy son.”

Cassandra sighed. “I won’t ask for one. It’s nice to just be able to cuddle with one for a moment.”

Cameron shook his head, walking to the man behind her. “How much for the kittens?”

“Ten dollars,” the man said.

“That’s highway robbery! You can’t expect me to pay that.”