“I can see that!” After putting the food on the table, Mrs. Royal took a seat at the opposite end from Cameron. “I’ll say the blessing tonight.”

Cassandra almost giggled twice during the prayer while Mrs. Royal went on and on about how thankful she was that Cassandra had arrived safely and was such a pretty young thing, perfect for bearing her grandchildren.

When it seemed like the woman would go on forever, Cameron interrupted. “Amen.”

Mrs. Royal glared at her son. “I wasn’t to that part yet,” she said, dishing up her food onto her plate.

“You should have been.”

Cassandra enjoyed watching the two of them banter. It seemed so nice that they treated one another as equals for the most part.

After everyone’s plates had been filled, Cameron looked at Cassandra. “Where are you from?”

“A town about an hour train’s ride south of Boston. Beckham, Massachusetts.” For a moment, she thought about the people who she missed back home, but she didn’t mention them. She’d only respond when he asked a question.

“What made you decide to come west and marry a stranger?” he asked.

“A friend of mine realized that I needed to be a western wife. At least that’s what she told me, and then she showed me your letter—well, I suppose it was your mother’s letter, but I believed it to be yours. That letter made me feel that this was the perfect place for me.” She took a sip of water. “I still think this is the right place for me. I just might need to meet a man who wants a wife.”

He sighed. “You were a shock to me. I think you can understand that. I wasn’t expecting my mother to go to town in the morning and come home in the afternoon with a bride for me in tow. For now, why don’t you continue to help Ma around the house, and perhaps we can spend some time together in the evenings. This part of Montana is beautiful, and I’d love to take drives with you or even walk with you.”

She studied him for a moment before shaking her head. “I don’t think we could do that. I’ll make sure to earn my keep.”

“Ma needs the help, but I have a feeling you enjoy gardening as much as she hates it. It’ll be a good arrangement for you both.”

“It would be better if there was a grandbaby involved,” Mrs. Royal insisted.

Cassandra bit her lip, trying to keep her laughter inside. When the laughter won out, the others looked at her, a bit startled. But it wasn’t long before all three of them were laughing. The situation was ridiculous, but it could grow into something truly special.

“I’m glad you see the humor in the situation,” Cameron said. “I felt like a fool standing there trying to talk to a stranger who had come here to be my wife. Perhaps if I’d had a day or two notice it would have helped.”

“Oh, pish posh! You would have just told me to leave her at the train station. Besides, it doesn’t matter anymore if you marry her or not. I’ve decided to adopt her as my own, and her children will be my grandchildren regardless. I don’t think I want them to be related to us by blood anyway.”

Cassandra looked between the two of them for a moment, wondering what huge secret they were keeping between them. It was something, and she was sure it wasn’t a good secret. Soon, she would know the truth.