Chapter Three

Cassandra wasn’t even sure she should let Miriam show her to the room she’d gotten ready for her, but she finally acquiesced. The older woman still needed help around the ranch, and it was the right thing to do. Besides, Cassandra owed Miriam. Her train ticket had been paid for, and there was no way she could avoid paying the older woman back somehow. Her parents had raised her right.

Cassandra found her room delightful. “It’s perfect. Cozy, warm and so homey! I’ll only stay long enough to pay back the cost of my fare and the money you sent for my expenses on the trip out.” Unfortunately, she’d spent most of the money on food along the way. It was surprisingly expensive to eat on a train.

“You’ll do no such thing. You left your job to come here, and you have to give Cameron a chance to change his mind. I know he will. You’re a lovely young lady.”

Cassandra had found Cameron extremely attractive, but she couldn’t say that to his mother. Instead, she put her things down on the chest of drawers, and asked, “What should I do first?”

“Rest!” Miriam said. “You just arrived, and you must be exhausted.”

Cassandra shook her head. “No, I need to move around. Could your garden use weeding? Or I could plant something? Anything to harvest yet?”

Miriam just smiled. “You’re going to be a good daughter-in-law.”

“I think you know as well as I do that’s not happening. Your son made it clear he doesn’t want me here.”

“He just doesn’t know you yet. Once he gets to know you, he’ll realize you’re meant for him.”

Cassandra frowned. “And you already know that?”

“I believe I do.”

“We’ll see,” was all Cassandra could say. “Now, put me to work.”

Miriam smiled. “I have a large kitchen garden, and my most hated chore is taking care of it. It desperately needs to be weeded, and someone needs to water it, but carrying a bucket of water to each plant takes so much effort.”

Cassandra smiled. “You just show me this garden and where to find the water, and I’ll get to work.” She looked down at her dress. “I do wish I could wear trousers to garden. I think someday women will be wearing trousers all the time, and I am going to impatiently wait for it.”

“I should make you a split skirt to garden in.”

“I wouldn’t be seen as a loose woman in a split skirt?”

“Absolutely not. You need one, and that’s all there is to it.” Miriam shrugged. “Besides, you don’t need to try and impress Cameron. He’s made it clear he has better things to do than to court you or marry you.”

Cassandra chuckled softly. “You’re right. He has. I would love a split skirt, but for today, I’m putting on my oldest day dress and then getting to work. I can’t wait.” She didn’t mention that her oldest dress had a few visible patches. She’d only brought it along for scraps, but now she was going to wear it. Who was going to care?

As soon as Miriam shut the door behind her, Cassandra changed dresses. Her mother would be scandalized if she realized Cassandra was wearing it where unmarried men could see her, but she couldn’t be bothered by that.

As soon as she was finished, she found Miriam, who gave her the bucket she used for watering, showed her where the hoe and spade were, and pointed the way to the well. That was good enough for Cassandra.

She filled the huge bucket with water and carried it to the edge of the garden before taking the hoe and starting to dig up the weeds she found. She believed in doing everything the right way, so she made certain she dug all the way down to the root of each weed.

After an hour outside, she wiped her forehead with the back of her wrist, wishing she’d thought to wear a bonnet or some sort of hat. The sun was in her eyes as she worked.

She’d just started watering each plant when two men on horses stopped beside the garden. One of them smiled at her. “And who might you be?”

“I’m Cassandra Arnold. I’m here to help Mrs. Royal with her garden and other household tasks.” She didn’t bother to tell them she had come as a mail order bride, because what was the point? It was none of their business anyway.

“I see,” the man who had asked the question said. “Do you have plans to go to the Fourth of July picnic and fireworks show tomorrow evening? It’s at the church in town, and I’d be happy to be your escort.”

Cassandra smiled at him. “I’m sorry, but I promised I’d go with Mrs. Royal. Perhaps you could escort me to another event soon”

“You can count on it,” he said. “I’m Wade Kelso, and I’m the foreman here at Royal River Ranch. Welcome!”

“Thank you,” she said sweetly. “I’ll look forward to getting to know you better.”

As the two men rode away, she heard the one who had remained silent ask Wade, “You sure the boss don’t have his eye on her?”