Page 31 of Mail Order Malarkey

“What have I done in my life to deserve you?” he asked softly.

“You took care of your mother when someone wanted to hurt her. You didn’t throw me out in the dirt when I arrived here when you weren’t expecting me. And you’re the best kisser in the whole nation.”

He raised an eyebrow at that. “And exactly how many men have you kissed that you can make that claim?”

“Oh, only you, but a woman knows these things.”

He chuckled. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For understanding and for loving me anyway. You’re not going to sneak off in the middle of the night and catch a train back to Massachusetts, are you?”

“No. I couldn’t if I wanted to. I quit my job, or I got fired. It was kind of unclear as it was happening. And my parents have no room for me. Their house is already full. I suppose I could go back and stay with Elizabeth, but she doesn’t need me underfoot.”

He kissed her softly. “I don’t know how long Ma will be gone with that kitten, but I would sure love some alone time with my wife that doesn’t include a kitten sitting on the end of the bed watching me make love.”

Cassandra giggled. “She only did that once.”

“I felt like she was trying to figure out how these things were done, and we were being studied. It was terrible!”

She stood up and took his hand. “Well, let’s go! Before your ma gets home.”

They raced up the stairs, giggling like silly children. He felt lighter than he’d felt in years when she hadn’t hated him for confessing what he’d done.

She felt as if the world was wide open now. Happily married and looking forward to the rest of her life, she would never be the girl who had left Massachusetts again. No, she was a married woman now, happier than she’d ever dreamed of being.

Cassandra was the first into the bedroom, and she stripped quickly, ready for some alone time without a cat watching as well. She found it creepy when the kitten studied them as they made love, but she knew it was Minnie’s way.

Slamming the door behind him, Cameron immediately got out of his work clothes and joined his wife on their bed. “I love you so much, Sassy Cassie.”

Cassandra smiled. “I’m not sassy at all. Have you met Minnie yet?”

He groaned. “We’re not talking about that cat while we’re in bed. I just can’t.”

She giggled and drew him down for a kiss—their first real kiss since they’d professed their love for one another. “I love you right back, Cameron. I hope you don’t think anything will ever change between us.”

“Oh, it will when we start having babies…”

“And we still agree on twelve, right?”

“I’ll argue with you about that later.” His kiss made her forget what she wanted to talk about. How could she think of anything but how much she loved this man?