Page 29 of Mail Order Malarkey

Minnie was growing like a weed, and Cassandra got a great deal of joy out of the kitten, but Mrs. Royal was fed up with the kitten playing with her yarn when she wanted to knit.

The split skirt was finished, and Cassandra wore it whenever she was working in the garden or out picking berries. She discovered she enjoyed huckleberries and choke cherries just as much as blackberries and raspberries. And there were apple trees that would be ready in September. It was good to have all the fresh fruits, and she helped her mother-in-law can jars of jam and pie filling.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been able to get this many berries before. I just don’t have the energy or the patience to spend that much time out in the sun picking berries.”

“And I was born for it!” Cassandra said with a smile. “Soon the garden will be ready, and I’ll harvest, and we’ll do even more canning. Have I mentioned yet how much I hate canning?” She knew she’d mentioned it at least three dozen times over the course of time she’d been there, but she felt the need to mention it again.

“How are the reading lessons coming?”

“Oh, wonderfully. Wade’s writing his name and other small words now. I brought one of the primers I used to teach George and Michael how to read, and Wade’s able to read many of the stories in it already. I do think he’s almost ready to continue on his own without me. I had no idea how sharp he was or how quickly he’d learn. I think his goal is to learn to write well enough that he can write a letter to send away for a bride.”

Mrs. Royal laughed. “I think you’re probably right. He likes the idea of sending for a bride of his own. I think he knows that you and Cameron belong together though.”

“I wish I could be certain.” Cassandra regretted the words as soon as they escaped her lips.

“The secret still bothers you?”

“Yes, it really does. I don’t know what you two are hiding from me, and I feel like without knowing, I can never truly be a part of this family.”

Mrs. Royal nodded, but she looked sad. “I can’t tell you. I wish I could. Perhaps you should bring it up to Cameron again.”

“Maybe.” Cassandra really wasn’t certain she wanted to bring it up again. Every time she tried, he changed the subject or said he’d tell her soon. When was soon going to happen?

“Trust him.”

“I’m trying.” Cassandra picked up Minnie who was weaving between her legs trying to get some attention and stroked her little head. “I hate how fast she’s growing up.”

“All children are like that. One day they’re in diapers, and then next they want to run wild in the streets with their little heathen friends.”

“Oh my! You have feelings about that, don’t you?”

“Go and pick me some more huckleberries. It takes so many to make a pie. I like to mix them with strawberries so that I don’t have to have as many, but the strawberries weren’t good this year.”

“That’s sad! I think I saw a cherry tree on the other side of the path. Would anyone mind if I went and got the rest of the cherries off those trees?”

Mrs. Royal shook her head. “No, that’s our land, and Cameron loves his cherry pies.”

“Then I’ll take the basket and a bucket.”

“Cherries will do better than huckleberries in the basket.”

Cassandra nodded. “I’m on my way. Hopefully, we’ll have lots when I get back.” She looked down at Minnie. “Are you coming with me, or are you staying here?”

Minnie tilted her head to one side as if she was considering the question, but when Cassandra opened the door, the kitten ran out ahead of her. “She’s coming with me!”

Mrs. Royal laughed. “You two really do speak to one another, don’t you?”

Hurrying along with the basket and the bucket, Minnie walked alongside her, and sometimes in front of her. For a minute or two it felt like the kitten was doing everything she could to kill Cassandra. “Do you want to ride in my apron again? You’re getting much too big for that.”

Minnie let out a loud meow that Cassandra was certain was a scolding. “All right. You’re as tiny as the first time I held you.” Cassandra set down the bucket and picked up Minnie, tucking her in her apron. Why the kitten was so happy riding there, Cassandra would never know.

When they reached the cherry tree, Cassandra put the kitten back on the ground and let her play as she picked the cherries. There were so many, and they all seemed perfectly ripe. Her basket was soon full, so she tucked Minnie away and headed to the huckleberry bushes she’d seen.

As much as Cassandra enjoyed harvesting fruit, she hated picking huckleberries. The tiny little berries were not big enough that you felt like you were doing anything when you picked them. It took so many to make anything.

When her bucket was half full, she decided it was enough for the day, and she walked back toward the house. The walk was further than the blackberries and raspberries were, but it wasn’t too far from the house.

She stopped outside the door to put Minnie down, and then put her hand on the doorknob to open it. She could hear loud voices coming from inside the house. “Cameron, if you don’t tell her soon, I’m afraid you’re going to lose her.”

“I wanted her to tell me she loved me before I told her what happened. I don’t want her to leave.”

“I know you don’t.” Mrs. Royal’s voice was soothing. “But I think that’s what will happen if you don’t tell her.”

Cassandra couldn’t wait another minute. She opened the door and looked at Cameron. “I’ve loved you since our wedding night when you got up to take Minnie downstairs for food. How could you doubt that?”

Mrs. Royal looked between the two of them. “I’m going for a walk, and I think this time, Minnie is going with me.” She stooped down to pick up the cat and carried her out the door, closing it firmly behind her.