Page 27 of Mail Order Malarkey

Chapter Nine

That evening when Wade came over to learn, Cameron and Mrs. Royal stepped outside to talk. Though Cassandra couldn’t hear them over the lesson she was giving, she knew they were talking about something serious. They were hiding something from her, and she had no idea what it was.

She concentrated on her lesson, though, and by the time Wade left, he knew the names and sounds of all the vowels. It was a huge accomplishment for him. “You did great. I think you should come back Monday evening.” She had to figure out what was going on before she could concentrate on teaching him.

He nodded. “I was going to suggest the same thing. School Monday through Friday and then off on the weekends.”

“Exactly.” She smiled. “Thanks for being understanding about me marrying Cameron. I know it was strange how it all happened.”

“Once I saw him kiss you at your wedding, I knew you made the right choice.” He sighed. “But once I can read and write, I want the address for the matchmaker who sent you out here. I need to be able to find a bride as well.”

“I’d love to provide it,” she said, smiling at him. She was glad he didn’t hold it against her that she hadn’t chosen him. It just hadn’t been right.

As he left, Cameron and Mrs. Royal came inside. After studying them for a minute, Cassandra decided that it was time to just ask outright. “I know you’re hiding something from me. I just need to know what it is.”

Cameron and his mother looked at one another, but he gave a little shake of his head. “Maybe we’ll tell you someday.”

Cassandra was surprised at just how much his words hurt her. She thought they were beyond secrets now that they were married. “I hate that you won’t tell me.” She had no idea what to say to him to convince him that as husband and wife there should be no secrets between them.

At that minute, little Minnie Mouth climbed her skirt and all the way up the bodice of her dress, yelling in her face once she was high enough to do so. “I guess I need to feed the baby. I know kittens nurse every three hours, but I thought when they were older they could go longer between meals.”

Minnie let out another loud meow, and Cassandra shook her head. “Did we save a little bit of the meat from supper?”

Mrs. Royal nodded. “I put some on a plate in the oven. Whenever she gets hungry give her a bit. It’s the only way we’re going to keep that one satisfied.”

“She certainly does make her opinions known, doesn’t she?” Cassandra took the kitten to the bowl that had become hers and put a bit of the meat from the oven into it. “Happy now?”

Minnie began eating her food greedily, gobbling it down as if she expected another animal to come along and take it from her.

Cassandra turned back to Cameron and his mother who both stood watching her. “I guess no one is going to tell me anything. I’ll go milk the cows.”

Cameron held up a hand. “I’ll do it.”

“Fine.” She wasn’t going to argue with him. She was too angry, and she knew she’d say something harsh.

Mrs. Royal smiled at Cassandra as soon as Cameron was out the door. “It’s not my secret to share,” she said, “or I’d tell you.”

Cassandra nodded. “I wish you could, but I guess Cameron will tell me as soon as he trusts me. If he ever trusts me that is.” She saw that Minnie had finished eating and she took her outside to the side of the house opposite the garden. “You can do your business here.”

Minnie immediately trotted toward the garden with Cassandra right behind her. “Get back here!”

Cameron walked toward the house with a bucket of milk in his hand. “Trouble with little miss mouthy?”

“I’m calling her Minnie Mouth from now on. And she thinks the garden is the perfect place for her outhouse. I don’t know how to convince her that the other side of the house is better.”

“I don’t think you’re going to be able to reason with a cat. Sorry.” And he went inside, leaving Cassandra to pick up the kitten and follow him.

Minnie climbed her as she walked inside, settling herself on Cassandra’s chest. Frowning down at the kitten, she finally said, “Is that the most comfortable place you can find?”

“She does love you,” Cameron told her.

“I guess she does.” She wanted to add, “Someone needs to,” but she didn’t dare.

“I’m heading to bed,” Mrs. Royal said. “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Mrs. Royal.”

“I thought you were going to call me Ma now that you’re married.”