Page 26 of Mail Order Malarkey

“I am. I suppose he takes more time with his supper.”

“He really does.”

“Wade will be over shortly after supper tonight for his first reading lesson,” Cassandra said. “He’s really excited to learn to read.”

Mrs. Royal frowned at Cassandra. “Does Cameron know?”

“Yes, I told him that first night I was here.”

“But now you’re married…”

“I chose Cameron over Wade. Why could Cameron worry if I spend time with Wade now? It makes no sense. I’m sure it will be fine.”

“I’m not so sure…”

“I’ll tell him as soon as he walks in the door, so it won’t be an unpleasant surprise.”

“Tell me what?” Cameron asked, hanging his hat on the hook beside the door.

Cassandra smiled at her husband and walked to him to kiss him in greeting. He seemed surprised, but he didn’t complain. “What are you going to tell me?”

“Wade is coming over tonight for a reading lesson. I know I told you and your mother about it on Wednesday night when I arrived, but she seems to think that since we’re married, you won’t like it.” Watching her husband’s face for a reaction, she bit her lip, worried she’d made a mistake.

Cameron shrugged. “That’s fine. I don’t want you spending time alone with him or anything, but I don’t mind you teaching him to read.”

Mrs. Royal smiled a bit. “You aren’t like your father at all.”

“I never was.”

Cassandra looked between the two of them. “Did your father die?”

Cameron gave one curt nod and took his place at the head of the table. “He did. A long time ago.”

“What happened?”

“We don’t talk about that man in my home.” Cameron’s voice was harsh, and Cassandra couldn’t imagine what she’d done to deserve that tone of voice.

“I’m sorry. I won’t bring him up again.” But she would. As soon as Cameron was gone after the meal, she’d ask his mother. He shouldn’t be keeping secrets from his wife anyway.

Minnie went to Cameron and stood looking at him before she wove in and out of his legs. He reached down and scratched her ears, and she looked very content. “I hope you were good this morning.”

“She tried,” was all Cassandra would say. Truthfully, who was to say what was good behavior for a cat?

After Mrs. Royal was seated, Cameron said a quick prayer and then he took the three sandwiches on his plate and ate them faster than Cassandra had ever seen anyone eat. She was a little surprised by the sheer speed. “What if he chokes?” Cassandra asked his mother.

“He never has,” Mrs. Royal whispered back.

Cameron swallowed the huge bite of food in his mouth. “Don’t talk about me as if I’m not here.”

“Sorry,” Cassandra said, but she wasn’t. He had displayed strange behavior, so she could talk about him as if it was strange, couldn’t she?

A minute later, he wiped his mouth on a napkin, drank down a large glass of water, and Mrs. Royal jumped up to refill an empty jar that he’d set on the counter. She filled it with water and handed it to him. “Have a good day, son.”

“You too.” And with that, he was gone. Cassandra glanced at her sandwich and saw that only one bite was gone. And he’d eaten three in the same period of time. Her husband had the manners of a dog, but she’d keep him around anyway.