Page 22 of Mail Order Malarkey

Cassandra laughed. “No problem!” Without another word, she began unbuttoning her dress at the back, not worried at all about being nude in front of her husband for the first time. She knew that he was interested in her sexually, and there was nothing to keep her from doing as she wanted with him.

In seconds, she stood in front of him in nothing but moonlight, and he swallowed hard. The woman was…well, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, and he needed her. Soon.

He stood, and kissed her, a deep, passionate kiss that he hoped would put her in the mood for exactly what he had in mind. When she returned the kiss and began to remove his clothes, he was startled, but he certainly didn’t want her to stop.

When they both stood in all their glory, looking into each other’s eyes, she moved closer to him, wanting to feel his bare skin against her own. “I like how you feel against me,” she said.

“You’re killing me!”

“Am I doing something wrong?” she asked, surprised.

“Nothing wrong at all. I just didn’t expect you to be…so eager.”

She laughed. “I was raised on a farm. I know all about how babies are made, and I love the idea of becoming one with you. Your touch makes me feel so much!”

He sat down on the foot of the bed and pulled her down with him. “Is that so?”

“It is.” She picked up his hand and put it on her bare breast, trying to urge him to get on with things. She didn’t want to wait any longer than she already had.

He kissed her again, stretching out on the bed and pulling her to lie beside him. Within moments they were engaged in the dance of life, and her eyes were lit up with the pleasure he brought with each stroke inside her.

As soon as she gasped in pleasure, he started moving faster, finally reaching the pinnacle himself. Then he rolled to his side and pillowed her head on his shoulder.

She was still out of breath as she pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “I knew you’d make me feel good as soon as you kissed me.”

“Is that so?” he asked, grinning at her.

A strange sound came from the foot of the bed, and she looked up. There in the moonlight, Minnie was walking straight toward Cassandra. She settled on her chest and made another little sucking sound and went right back to sleep. “I am in love.”

He stared at her, his eyes widening. “You are?” It was what he wanted, but he certainly hadn’t expected it to happen so quickly.

“How could I not be? She’s so perfect.” Stroking the sleeping kitten with one finger, she smiled at her new husband. “Thank you again for my precious gift.”

“Thanks for mine,” he said. He was strangely let down. She loved the kitten, but she hadn’t said the words to him. Maybe it was easier to love a kitten than it was a surly rancher.


Cameron hadn’t been asleep long when he felt something tugging at his hair. His wife was sleeping snuggled against him, and when he reached up, he found the kitten nibbling on the ends of his hair. “What are you doing, you little monster?” he asked. The kitten meowed loudly at him. “I don’t speak cat.”

Cassandra opened her eyes a tiny bit. “She’s hungry. Any raw meat would make her happy, but I might start cooking for her tomorrow.”

He groaned. “I’m not sure I’m ready for you to have a cat.”

“Too late,” she whispered, rolling over and closing her eyes again.

Minnie jumped to his chest and yelled in his face. “Are you kidding me? You’re tiny, so you should be no trouble.”

“She’d be fine if you fed her.” She lay there in the darkness waiting to see how he’d react to the sweet kitten.

“Why isn’t she yelling at you for food?” he asked grumpily as he reached for his pants and pulled them on.

“She knows I need my beauty sleep,” Cassandra mumbled. Her eyes were closed, but she was very tuned into what he was doing.

“Fine, you little wretch.” He got to his feet and scooped the kitten up in one strong hand, snuggling her under his chin as he’d seen Cassandra do. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, you know.”

Cassandra waited until the door closed behind him before she giggled a little. He was a good man if he was so gentle with one of God’s tiny creatures. She heard him clomping around downstairs, and then she heard him step outside. His voice carried through the open window.

“You need to deal with your needs while we’re out here,” he said. “I’m not going to wake up with cat sh…poop on my floor.” Then it was. “Well, you did good. I’m impressed. You even buried that mess you made.”