Page 13 of Mail Order Malarkey

Chapter Five

Cameron had a difficult time sleeping that night. His reaction to Cassandra’s arrival had been more than a little rude, but as the day wore on, he found he was more and more attracted to her. He wanted to tell all the men in the area that he had first right of refusal. He got to decide if he married her or not.

Her reaction to his kiss…that would keep his daydreams alive for a good long while. The woman was full of fire, which he’d realized several times. At first, he’d thought the fire was simply anger toward him, but no. It was more. She was passionate and beautiful. She wasn’t afraid to work and get her hands dirty.

The perfect companion for his mother and wife for him had arrived, and he’d rejected her without giving her a chance. And now, she was doing the same to him. He deserved it, and he realized it with every fiber of his being, but…he didn’t want her to marry someone else.

As he lay awake, staring at the ceiling in his bedroom, he decided he would make a true effort with her. Wade had picked her a flower, so he’d pick her a hundred. He would spend time with her and get to know her, just as his mother had suggested. Surely, she’d see that she was the right woman for him, and more than that, that he was the right man for her.

He had so much more to offer her than Wade ever would. A future that was financially secure and a prominent position in their small town. He’d have said a prominent position in society, but that’s what it would have been called back in New York City, and he was happy not to be there anymore.

The only thing that worried him was whether he’d have his father’s temper. If so…well, then he wouldn’t be able to keep a wife. He would work on it every day of his life, if only Cassandra—his mail order bride—would agree to marry him.


Cassandra was up well before the sun the following morning, so she decided to go out and deal with the morning farm chores. She collected eggs and milked both cows that were kept in the barn, returning to the kitchen with the milk just as Mrs. Royal was coming into the kitchen to cook breakfast.

“Would you like me to fix breakfast?” Cassandra asked. She wasn’t nearly as fond of cooking as she was of working outside, but she could scramble eggs and make pancakes as well as anyone else.

“No, thank you. I genuinely enjoy cooking. Thank you for the milk and eggs though. Would you mind going upstairs and tapping on the first door on the left to let Cameron know that he doesn’t need to milk the cows or gather eggs. He’ll be able to sleep a few minutes later, and that will make him happy.”

“Of course,” Cassandra said, though she had no desire to come into contact with the surly man. She hurried up the stairs, and knocked softly, surprised when Cameron came to the door with just a pair of Levi’s on. “Your mother said to let you know you don’t need to milk the cows or gather eggs.” It was all she could do to keep her eyes on his face and not his bare chest.

“Is that so? You doin’ my work for me then?”

She shrugged. “I was just trying to help. Earn my keep so to speak.”

He sighed. “Let’s start over. I should never have said the things I said yesterday, so we’ll start with you being introduced to me in my house as my mail-order bride. Does that work?”

She tilted her head to one side and studied him. “Why?”

“Because I made a big mistake. Because I’m incredibly attracted to you, and I want to marry you. I just needed a few hours to get used to the idea.”

“I’m not sure that’s going to work. I have another suitor now, and he’s been a great deal more kind to me than you have.” Cassandra turned away so she wouldn’t have to look at his chest for even another minute, and then she hurried down the stairs. He was so…handsome without his shirt, his morning growth of beard waiting to be shaved. She needed to be careful not to be alone with the man any more than absolutely necessary.

She set the table for Mrs. Royal, not even looking up when Cameron came down and sat at the table. “I’ve given most of the men the day off to go to the picnic and fireworks,” he said, his eyes constantly following Cassandra.

“Good. That will give Cassandra the opportunity to meet a great deal of men today. I’m sure she’ll find one that suits her fancy.”

He frowned. “I don’t want her to find another man. I’ve decided to marry her, Ma.”

Mrs. Royal spun away from the stove and waved her spatula in the air. “You will do no such thing unless she agrees to it. And you’re not going to force her. You hear me?”

“I hear you. I’m not going to force her. I’m going to convince her that I’m the man she wants to spend her life with.”

“After the way you talked to her yesterday, I’m not certain she’s going to agree at all. Good luck with that, son.” Cassandra spotted a grin on Mrs. Royal’s face as she turned away from her son. There was no doubt in her mind that Mrs. Royal was on her side.

After breakfast, Cameron said, “I’ll hitch up the buggy to take you ladies into town when we’re ready. There’s no reason to take the farm wagon when we can go in style.”

Mrs. Royal stared at him for a moment. “I can’t remember the time you hitched up the buggy. I’ve asked you every Sunday for years.”

He shrugged. “I hitch up the sleigh when it’s too snowy for the wagon.”

Cassandra watched the two of them, wondering what game Cameron was playing. The man had clearly not wanted her there not twenty-four hours ago, and now he was being kind. It was…odd to say the least.

After breakfast, Cassandra helped Mrs. Royal make fried chicken for the picnic. “It’s a potluck picnic,” the older woman told her. “Everyone will take something, and I always try to supply some sort of meat, because not many of the women do.” She smiled at Cassandra. “There are always many more bachelors than there are families and women, so the food has to stretch. I usually make about ten times what my son and I will eat, so there’s enough to go around.”

“Sounds good to me,” Cassandra said.